I'm seeing a bunch of "me too!" comments, which is cool. Some of you should group up and really wow us plebs :)
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Agree. Also, PLEASE make the UI like the infinity reddit client. That thing is amazing.
I've also started working on my own Lemmy app (in NativeScript). Maybe we should all create a community to share insights.
Let us know if you create a community for clients&apps
Awesome! I'm doing the same thing. Yesterday I got login, loading the first page of posts, markdown rendering, and counts for comments and upvotes working.
It's not even to alpha level yet, but once I get something I feel is up to snuff for a first push, the repo is at https://github.com/1hitsong/AOS/
Just started work on an iOS client today using React Native. Honestly, the lemmy-js-client is pretty straight forward even if you're just using typehints from Typescript. Interesting issue is dealing with comments and getting those properly sorted and creating the comment chains. If you want to chat and have Discord, add me: gk#5175
Have you created a GitHub repo where I can follow the progress?
Yup, here it is.
Can this be used as a browser client, without iOS/Android.... on Chrome/Firefox?
I really hope your project or some of the other alternative frontend projects take off for Lemmy's sake. I really feel like lemmy is being held back by its UX right now.
I’ve been wondering the same!
Does anyone know of any Lemmy dev communities (preferably a Lemmy community but I’d settle for a Discord) dedicated to resource for software devs to learn the protocol? I’m interested in creating bots to help Reddit users and subreddits migrate here.
Check out Lemmy Project Chat. They link to it in the dev documentation for lemmy.
thanks for this! Was looking for something similar :)