christ alive that's a low head dam, those things have a feature at the bottom called a "drowning machine" DO NOT DO THIS
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There is a great Practical Engineering video that explains this risk for anyone who is curious.
Crossing that dam was definitely a bad move.
Darwin award candidate
Not smart. He could have easily died.
Do bikes float, or sink right away?
Sinks like a rock. That was the least of this guy's worries, though.
Fucking roadies thinking they’re real mountain bikers. Never fails to make me laugh.
pointless gatekeeping
It’s not pointless if the guy thinks slick tires are going to stick to a slick road. That’s just idiotic.
That’s algae, and nothing is sticking to it. Biofilm is black magic.
He couldn't even stand there without being pushed off and it looks like he had regular shoes rather than clip in ones. I don't think different tires would be any different. Probably a nice slick layer of algae on there.