It's a public holiday in Australia for ANZAC day.
For many people it's the one day of the year where they get to before sunrise.
We go out to the war memorials and hold dawn services all across the country
General rules:
Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the mods.
It's a public holiday in Australia for ANZAC day.
For many people it's the one day of the year where they get to before sunrise.
We go out to the war memorials and hold dawn services all across the country
What an extraordinary location dependant answer
I’d say perfect date is dd-mm-yyyy. All other formats are just wrong
Terrible date format.. Not sortable numerically and often confused with mm-dd-yyyy.
yyyy-mm-dd is the only way
YYYY-MM-DD if I'm inputting on a computer.
But I've recently converted to YYYY-MMM-DD for anything handwritten.
Because if someone is able to confuse 2024-APR-27 then they're the problem.
But the former format is better for digital sorting.
The reverse even sorts itself.
It's too cold here.
I'll bite, describe YOUR perfect date!
We rob the local CVS and then buy the most expensive bottle of champagne at the local Kroger and then get into a shootout with local police.
Think federal, crime local.
Anything april is too unpredictable. We had a cold wave with 6°C last week. Goes now up to 25°C next week.
It's a scholarship program.
Happy birthday to me.
It’s rainy, but cool and wonderful.
Earlier in the month it was nice, now it's just raining.