My copy of Tsuro is so beat up at this point because it’s been my go to starter game for people who don’t play a lot of board games. I love that there is really only one mechanic to understand, giving new players a chance to only have to consider a few things in their turn.
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@Spat_U_Later the simple game mechanic makes it really easy to explain to new players. It's the only game the kids were able to easily pick up with a single explanation of the rules.
When guests come over who don't normally game this is the gateway game to get started with. Easy to explain and lots of fun.
@Dharkstare @boardgames We really enjoy Tsuro as a great gateway game for friends and family new to boardgames. :)
I really like Tsuro, but when I introduce it to people, they find it boring. I don’t get it! Yes, it’s simple, but you can really use some strategy to influence the board. Maybe my friends just don’t like when I roar at them as our pieces pass.
I have a great memory at PAX of playing life-size Tsuro, where the players are the pieces. Good fun :)
I..... Want.....
DIY project anyone??
Here is the bgg link Tsuro - thank you for the nice suggestion! How old were the kids you played with?
@dpunked The kids were 10-13. The game mechanics are really simple to learn too. The box says 8+ and that's probably accurate.
Omg yes Tsuro is outstanding! I really want to try the variants but the original is just so good.