Woke up with a headache this morning, so getting out was a struggle. Glad I did though, as always. Managed 10km (53min), by not turning home just yet a couple of times. Doggo got into the rhythm too which helped.
A place for runners.
Finally picked up a hands-free leash and a running belt to try running with my pup. Three short runs in (to acclimate us both), and he's super excited to see the harness come out of the drawer. It feels good to have a running buddy.
I've been off the wagon for years, ever since the pandemic and some lingering long covid symptoms, but I think the pup's excitement might be enough to motivate me to be consistent.
It feels good to have a running buddy.
It's great, right? I love running with my dog.
Die Tasche. Die Tasche? DIE TASCHE!
I wish I was a hunter in search of different food.
Ball ist rund.
Just getting back into running again after 6 months off caused by a combination of apathy and injury. Feels really good to be up and mobile again.
Long run last night trying to make up volume missed through the week. Just a gentle jog at parkrun
Got myself a altra outroad 2, they felt a bit to tight (height wise in the middle of my foot region) but everything else feels perfect.
Just spent a 10km run constantly trying to find the perfect lacing tightness - does anyone else has this problem ? First i start too loose and smash my toes in the front on downhills. From that point on its a constant adjustements of ahhh too tight, to now its again too loose :clown emoji:
I haven't run in years but can anyone recommend a good couch to 5k program?
Been reading up on zone 2. Started with a long walk and surprised myself with a 6k, which almost immediately became 10k. Sounds like a lot, but zone 2 is easy to maintain - that's the idea. Start easy, then work on improving pace and purpose. Continued it to the 90 day 'habit forming' range, then found I could now run the 2.4k from school non-stop now (never did this before), then a 6k run after about 3 months of fast, normal (not Olympic style) walking. Holy shit, was I inspired! Now working on a 10km/ hour running target. I encourage anyone trying to improve themselves - hope your journey works out!
I just got new shoes Thursday. They never have them in my size so I'd ordered them earlier in the week
I'm having some knee and hip issues of late. my Primary care told me to lay off the cardio at the gym and give it time to rest and it hasn't changed much so, probably will have to go to a sports medicine doc
Rolled my ankle for the first time in years on a long run yesterday, just as I was starting back for home. Happy I got most of the run in, but hobbling back the last 2 miles was unpleasant.