Probably sometime next year? I still need a new GPU (currently on 970GTX) that's not part of the 4000 series.
Patient Gamers
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
What's the recommended specs? You can be sure that it will be full of bugs at launch in any case, so 6 months to a year will be the very minimum wait time.
They recommend a rtx 2080, with a 1070 ti as minimum, along with some beefy processors. For reference, I'm still rocking a 970 plus a Ryzen 5 1400.
That's rough. I guess it might run with my 2060, but probably not very well. We'll see, by the time I pick it up I might have upgraded.
After a goty version goes on a deep sale? Or on gamepass when I feel like I have nothing else to do.
I have seen too much western and cowboy themed elements in the previews. Does not appeal a lot to me.
Day one on my Series X, thanks to Game Pass!
Oh right. Forgot about that. In that case I'll probably subscribe for a month to play it in vanilla then buy it years later to replay it with mods and DLCs.
That's the way to do it! I'll be doing the same.
That 30fps though. I'm not sure I can do it any more tbh, now I'm at 120, even 60 can feel sluggish in some titles.
Good call on game pass though, I'll check it out on PC at launch I think too.
I'm not planning on playing Starfield at all. I'll stay open minded in case it actually ends up being something worth my attention, but I have my doubts. If so, it'll be on sale eventually.
I'll likely be playing pretty quickly following launch. Since No Man's Sky I don't preorder and rarely buy anything until all dlc have released. I'm hungry for a game like this though and I think the game is ripe for creating mods which is why I'd like to not wait too long to start getting into it. Given it isn't a complete shit show (beyond the typical of Bethesda that is) I'll get it soon. Plenty of other stuff to play otherwise, No Man's Sky looking pretty good these days ironically.
I've just splurged on a VKB stick and have been building DIY mounts for my desk, along with a DIY F-16 replica throttle so I'll be using these both to play the game on PC, I'm stoked!
Whenever it runs at 30FPS on Steam Deck. So probably, not close to launch.
I might check it out after a few months and after it goes on sale for the first time, if the reviews are good and the major bugs are patched.
Just looked at the minimum specs, and it calls for the 1070ti. I have a 1060 6gb, so should probably upgrade first. Probably won't do that soon.
I'm probably going to get gamepass in September to try it out. Then maybe wait for a sale to buy it.
I'll play when all the DLCs are out so I can pick up the complete edition, and it'll also give a chance for the mod community to grow.
Probably 10 years from now, still haven't played fallout 4.