Using managed accounts, multiple profiles with just one log in account, I never managed to get independent watch history going. This was annoying if two people were watching the same set of videos but at slightly different times. I am not sure if this was something not possible with Plex or I had not configured it correctly. I did not want to have everyone at home with their own unique sign in which seemed at the time the only solution.
A community for discussing Plex Media Server. Plex Media Server is a smart software that makes playing movies, tv shows, and other media on your computer simple.
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Don't be a dick. This includes any kind of trolling, baiting, etc. Bigotry may result in an instant permaban.
Rule 2 - No misleading or non-descriptive titles
No misleading or non-descriptive titles. Try to be brief but detailed.
Rule 3 - Keep post and comments relevant
Posts must be related to Plex and Plex-related products, apps. etc. Try to keep comments relevant to the parent comment and to the post.
Rule 4 - Keep discussions of "media aqcuistion" limited to means and methods only.
Discussions regarding media acquisition should be limited to the "how" not the "what", as this is not the place to discuss piracy of specific media. There are other communities for that, and we don't want to get this community defederated from instances where it's a forbidden topic. Posts/comments discussing specific acts of piracy ("How do I find X show?" or "Where can I download Y film?")will be removed. For further clarification see this post
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No asking / offering Plex shares. There are other communities for that.
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Useful Resources
- Plex FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about using Plex Media Server and client apps with many useful links
- Plex App Setup Guide - Visual guide for first-run setup of Plex apps on smart devices
- c/Plex Add-ons Guide - Detailed info on many of the most popular Plex add-ons with links to setup guides and other resources. Mantained for this community.
- Servarr Wiki - The consolidated wiki for Lidarr, Prowlarr, Radarr, Readarr, and Sonarr.
- TRaSH-Guides - Guides mainly for Sonarr/Radarr/Bazarr and everything related to it.
- Awesome-arr - a complete list of Plex-related companion apps, user scripts, etc.
- Plex Hardware Transcoding Cheat Sheet - NVidia GPUs
- Organizing and Naming Your Media Files
- Troubleshooting Server Connections
- Plex User Forums
^This^ ^is^ ^a^ ^community^ ^page^ ^and^ ^is^ ^not^ ^affiliated^ ^with^ ^Plex,^ ^Inc.^ ^in^ ^any^ ^way.^
Are you a plex pass subscriber?
Long time plex pass subscriber here. This was one of the features back in the day that separated from free vs paid. I went googling and looking on plex’s site and didn’t find mention of it, but it might not be worth mentioning by them anymore as they have at the bottom of the plex pass features a catch all “and even more!”
I will do a month of Plex Pass and see if I can get it going again. I struggled on google or the Plex site to find a really black and white position on this.
I've an issue where sometimes Plex forgets the progress of (long) audiobooks. Is there something I can do in terms of file format or settings?
I want to set up a Plex server on a pc that I’d not directly connected to my roster. Not having used Plex before, will this present problems s as opposed to my primary connected unit?
Plex requires an Internet connection for, well, several reasons. Also, how do you plan on getting media onto the server if it’s not connected to (what I assume you meant) router?
The autocorrect certainly did not help the context of my question. I have another pc that is connected to my network but is not directly connected to my router that I would like to use as the media server. Can I still set up Plex on this device?