It would be easier to report on when /u/spez isn't lying about something.
Reddit gonna reddit. It's better here. They are a company making money off us, we ARE us. I'm on lemmy train baby take me down the line!
Choo Choo my friend, Choo Goddamn Choo!!!! :)
I JUST read a post that spez said he’s not going to do that…
Well, maybe not him personally...
Threatens? They already have!
r/adviceanimals anyone?
Although they might just be salty about that post that hit top of all a few days ago?...
For a company that says they don't threaten people, they sure do have a lot of rumors about threatening people.
I mean, it was pretty obvious that this was coming
What's the over/under on how long it'll take Reddit to institute their own version of the blue checkmark system?
My predictions: reddit gold subscribers get pushed to the top of comments sections, followed by ads showing up inline in comments, and then the introduction of features like a marketplace.
They want to be TikTok and facebook so badly that they are going to forget what makes them unique