The OSRIC rules are free, and there's a couple of youtube channels that specialize in showing people how to solo rpg various systems. There are also plenty of tables where you could randomly build a dungeon, or an adventure. Check out all of the offerings at . You could practically generate an entire random adventure there and then take some characters you control through it. That's what I would recommend looking at.
Discussion of table top roleplaying games.
I understand your situation, but my first recommendation would be to take another look at "that online stuff" - some groups are very supportive for beginners, some ways of playing (e.g. pbp) are easier if you are still learning and/or find playing over video/audio too stressful, or don't have much time, etc. The social element and collective creativity of playing in a group is part of what makes RPGs fun.
However, there are hacks for solo play for several great systems. For Blades in the Dark (the system I'm currently playing most) both Alone In The Dark ( and Omens in the Dark ( have been recommended to me, and the BitD Discord server is very friendly if you have any questions.
While not free, I just have to recommend Apocalypse World. Its rules are relatively simple (compared to DnD). I mention it because Apocalypse World was one of the inspirations for Blades in the Dark, which is also a great game!
Absolutely! Do you have a recommendation for a solo hack of AW?
This is not for solo players, but Fiasco is amazing as an introduction to the idea of role-playing. Rules are incredibly light, once you understand them it takes like 10 minutes to explain it to new players, and a whole game start to end lasts maybe 1-2 hours.
It's basically babby's first RPG.
And in a lot of ways it's much more an RPG than D&D or Pathfinder because RPing is literally all you do. I've played 4 times now with different groups and it definitely makes a difference what people you play with but it hasn't been hard to convince them to try and most have enjoyed it.
My favorite currently is Basic Fantasy. But I don't know how well it is for solo play. One where the core rules are free and which has solo play is Ironsworn.
Edit: If you search the Basic Fantasy Forums you'll find quite a lot of solo stuff as it seems. For example: