I played TP not that long ago (I had it on Wii, but this was my first time actually finishing it). I agree that it's quite an easy game, but it was enjoyable throughout. The items were nicely varied and most of the dungeon puzzles were clever. The weirdness of the world reminded me a lot of Ocarina of Time. I've actually never played Majora's Mask so I should give that a go sometime! If you're on Steam Deck, I've heard a good option is patching the N64 version with HD textures (which may require a Windows system initially).
Patient Gamers
A gaming sub free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
No memes please.
Thanks! I will take a look at that option. In regards to those kinds of windows utility, they normally run just fine with wine. I am surprised how many utilities just run perfectly and are able to patch games. I have used some utilities like this to patch wiiu games without any problems.
If you have access to it, I recommend playing the Majora's Mask remaster on 3DS. I also tried to start the N64 version a few times and couldn't stay motivated until I played the remaster.
November 2006? You are a patient gamer!
Heh, I got it at launch on the GameCube (didn't buy a wii until a year later), and I've only played it maybe twice since then. Definitely due a replay.
TP was a slog at times but had the best boss battles and some amazing dungeons. Majora's Mask is still my favourite.
Just getting out of the starting area has you back track so many times. It was a bit tedious getting to hyrule field.
The start is fucking horrible. Goat herding? Fishing? Finding a basket? Why?? it only picks up once you get to the forest temple, and that's a significant way in.
The whole game just meanders and moves at a glacial pace. It's the complete opposite of Link to the Past, for example. Still good but I remember being frustrated with it.
Not as frustrated as with Skyward Sword and that swimming part. Hooooly shit that was bad.
It took me about two and a half hours to get to the forest temple. The goat herding was really annoying. I didn't mind the basket, but I think it is because I knew there were something to do with that monkey.
I've never played skyward sword. The control scheme was really annoying on the switch and I am not sure that I care to get used to it. Maybe i will muscle through it for the sake of completeness.
It's worth it, it has some of the best highs in any Zelda. The arbiters grounds boss battle is still awesome, and the final proper temple is fun as hell
It's just such a frustrating game in terms of pacing
I’m looking forward to playing some more when I have time this week. Another thought is that I’m not a fan of how the fighting works in wolf form. It’s annoying to leap for an enemy for them to just move out of the way by chance.
Sorry my title is unclear. I’m playing it for the first time since I played it for the first time at launch. So second time 😂😂
I hope the game picks up for you! I remember enjoying the game a lot, the items were fun and that final boss was a blast. I also really liked the art style, though I can see why some people didn't.
I haven't played it since launch, but I'm really hoping they do a remaster for it soon. I'm surprised they did Skyward Sword before it...
Very much my favorite final boss of the series.
They did a remaster for it on the wiiu.
Poor Wii U... I had forgotten they had a TP remaster for it. I hope they end up bringing it and the WW remaster to Switch or whatever console is after it.
This is why I think the steam deck is the perfect “console” you can basically play anything.
Enjoy it, I hope this game gets a Switch release someday, the only way to play it in a proper manner is through emulation, or if you have a Wii U you are set...
Also recommend you to visit Majora's Mask when you have the time, it is truly a hidden gem (maybe not that hidden as of today).
I’m playing the hd remaster on cemu. But info have my original wiiu, it’s just in a different country at the moment.
What’s the recommended way to play MM? I only ever played it on the 64, but I’m debating between the n64 app on the switch and the 3ds version through emulation.
Well, there are some debate about which version of MM is better, I would say 3DS is better but I'm biased because I have only played that version.
I also know about a restoration patch/mod to fix some new annoyances like the swimming mechanics (which were okay to me because I did not know better 😂).
If you talk about were to play it I did on original hardware, but since you are emulating a more powerful game, in with a think a bugless way, then you won't have any issues with emulating this, on top of that you can improve the graphics, so if you don't have the hardware I'd say go for it with emulation!
Thanks! I’ll have to look into the swimming mechanics thing to see what the deal is.
Im kind of leaning towards n64 rom with high res patch. I guess it will be a less demanding emulator to run than 3ds.