I always love the idea in Sci-fi that in technology, they've somehow figured out personal digital assistants, but not simple UIs or slim hardware.
Like in Alien where they have all this space technology, but didn't get past using DOS.
A place to share and discuss Cassette Futurism: media where the technology closely matches the computers and technology of the 70s and 80s.
Whether it's bright colors and geometric shapes, the tendency towards stark plainness, or the the lack of powerful computers and cell phones, Cassette Futurism includes: Cassettes, ROM chips, CRT displays, computers reminiscent of microcomputers like the Commodore 64, freestanding hi-fi systems, small LCD displays, and other analog technologies.
See this blog to know more.
I always love the idea in Sci-fi that in technology, they've somehow figured out personal digital assistants, but not simple UIs or slim hardware.
Like in Alien where they have all this space technology, but didn't get past using DOS.
TNG era Trek is funny with how right they got some things but how far off they still were.
They got tablets right, but couldn't concieve that they would have enough memory to hold all your documents or that the ship would have a cloud server. So you get scenes of people with stacks of tablets on their deck to look busy or crew members walking reports physically to the captain and handing over the hardware when you'd just do it via email in the real world now.
Very cool art
Love it, it's so 70/80s sci-fi styled.
I really like this title font, anyone know what it is (the serif one)?
Font squirrel shows this list[^1]:
[^1]: I don't know how long that link will work.
Oh yeah, it looks like Garamond with really tight kerning
It just needs "DON'T PANIC" plastered in friendly letters somewhere on the Device and it'd make a fantastic Hitchhikers Guide as well!
Didn’t know this community existed or what it was. Started looking for one.
FYI: according to Aesthetics Wiki:
Cassette Futurism is a genre of retrofuturism based on the 70's and 80's. The media itself does not have to be set in this time period, but rather explore the speculated alternate future of it. As the name suggests, Cassettes are the main way of storing and transferring data.
Reminds me of a lot of the devices in the Cyberpunk 2020 RPG rulebook.
Indeed, there are a few very cassette-futuristic gadgets there! I need to take some time to search the illustrators names (page 3) and see if they have more like this. Thanks!
Source: Cyberpunk 2020 - cyberpunk-the-roleplaying-game-of-the-dark-future-r-talsorian-games-inc.pdf
Is oddly reminiscent of the Pip-Boy from the Fallout games
My first thought as well. Wonder if there was any inspiration pulled from this device.