But you don't need to use the claw When you pick a pear of the big paw-paw Have I given you a clue?
A place for gardening and plant pics
But if you prick a raw paw, next time beware!
So lucky. I have maybe 4 trees that are producing fruit, but this is their first year, so I only have like 8.
I planted a couple saplings in the spring, and they finally starting growing leaves a couple weeks ago. I can't wait to see them fully grown with fruit
Aren't these mangoes?
Nope. Paw paws. Native to North America. They do look kind of like mangoes on the outside, though!
Oh thank you
Pawpaws are related to cherimoyas.
Paw Paw is the only member of the papaya family that is native to North America. They taste nothing like a mango or a papaya, though. Hard to describe.
Whoa. What region was this in. I dont think paw paws are ready where I'm at yet
Georgia. Where are you?
NC. Going to go hunting for them this week. The extra hot weather must have boosted their ripening
I was curious to try paw paws that I paid $25 to have four of them shipped to Arizona. I loved them, they tasted so tropical. However, they didn't agree with my stomach. If I remember correctly, they gave me diarrhea. (I didn't eat them all at once.)
Ah, that's a bummer about them not agreeing with you!