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Out of curiosity, what is the Titus 2:5 reference?
[Women are] to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.
Self-controlled and submissive? Um...??
WFH, but only for women? I demand gender equality!
The further back in Christian history the more you find. Makes you wonder what about the motivations of James and Peter were. I can only think of three reasons to run a cult and two of them aren't applicable to them.
cults are weird, some of them commit suicide with koolaid. ooooh yeah!
Actually Jones town used mostlyflavoraide a much less popular competing brand.
Because Titus 2:6 says "...unless you are trying to own the libs."
More broadly, isn’t this the typical right ring voter mentality?
I’m all for being against the church, but I am pretty sure this is shopped. The sign isn’t a consistent color on the left side and that verse is a little more androgynous than “stay in the kitchen woman”.
That being said, the link at the bottom leads to a really awful churches website. They have some pretty awful views on just about everything. Apparently not going to church over COVID was enough to make someone burn in hell. Actually most of their site was about how awful some groups are but they claim to preach about love.
At least they aren’t 501c3 though I guess?
I’m all for being against the church, but I am pretty sure this is shopped.
the original:
Used tineye, the oldest points to this article
I think she's just holding multiple signs so she can flip through them depending on who she wants to troll at the moment.
At least they aren’t 501c3 though I guess?
If you went to the Key of David site (redirect for The Trumpet), that's the Philadelphia Church of God, EIN 73-1354094. They are a 501(c)3 organization.
The same as workers who fight general healthcare
I originally thought they were way tf overdressed for the weather, but then noticed they're both wearing the same thing over their heads.
I know mennonites wear kapps, but are head coverings now a thing in some eva-fundie spaces too?
judging by the jackets and mittens... it's cold. In the original picture... there's a guy also wearing gloves,
I'm pretty sure they're just hoodies, but Christian women do have a history of wearing head coverings. You might see old Catholics wearing veils and such in smaller masses.
Orthodox women, too.
Nothing new, but it's baffling how someone could be that stupid and still remember how to do things like breathe.