I heard you got a fat clock.
Software Gore
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You should also check out these awesome communities!
- Tech Support: For all your tech support needs! (partnered)
- Hardware Gore: Same as Software Gore, but for broken hardware.
- DiWHY - Questioning why some things exist...
- Perfect Fit: For things that perfectly and satisfyingly fit into each other!
Abligoury 2015 meme
Now wide clock
For all the complaints Linux gets from non users these people are super tolerant of Windows glitches that they just accept.
Yeah sure Linux has its own too.
"I'm just used to Windows"
"My brother in Christ, you need help to do anything other than use a browser, you're not 'used to Windows' at all".
I hate what they did with the clock.
For one, on 10 you could click it to display seconds when needed. No longer an option on 11, clicking only shows the calendar. You have to enable seconds in the taskbar itself, which 11 warns you will increase power usage.
Secondly, it's literally only clickable now on the primary monitor.
Just a basic feature made significantly worse for no reason except to be different.
they dont expect, they force. its not like most people using their crap have much of a choice.
That's a big time problem
The taskbar in windows 11 bothers me too much.
If it's not ready leave the windows 10 one until it's ready.
They have over 100k software engineers, it should be impossible that they need this much time to fix it.
I can't believe that they launched without drag and drop support and they took years to add it back. Same for "do not combine icons" settings. Go to watch windows 95 source code if you forgot how drag and drop worked...
Now I wonder how many years need to pass to fix that "restore explorer windows at login" setting which was broken last year when they introduced tabbed explorer
Microsoft doesn't make software for people, they make software for OEMs. Microsoft doesn't need to appeal to users or even make good software, they just need to sell software to companies.
W I D E clock is a selling point tbh
Also can't even let me put it on top
Are you expecting feature parity with windows me?
Is not bug, is feature.
It's dumb that this feature has to be modded back in. Which means Microsoft can break it at any time, which would just piss me off more.
And they purposely disallow people to install it by making defender block it
Yea I'm not upgrading until I can natively put it at the top. I'm especially not paying for any software to restore what should be default behavior
I've had some weird bugs with the taskbar, but this is a new one! I can only imagine how annoying it would be for this to happen
Another weird bug: on your secondary monitor you can hover your mouse over where the clock, notifications, and show desktop button would be, and hover markers appear but are unclickable. It's been like this since windows 11 released
My work laptop was upgraded to 11 a few weeks ago an I noticed that I can only open the calendar from the primary screen now. On windows 10 I could do it from any of them. It's annoying AF that they can't even be consistent about the most basic shit. The only (minor) improvement I've seen is Explorer has tabs now but even that is worse than any of the various third party file explorer apps that have had more features than that for decades.
They are thinking about the future, with a 50 digit year.
Also, this way, you don't need to resize it when you eventually want it to show time in femtoseconds.
I assume they also removed the feature that allows you to resize the taskbar to half the height of your display.