If you make fake rape claims...
Fuck you, you are worse than a rapist yourself. You have no idea what you've done to your victim if you are believed.
Even an accusation proven bullshit can ruin your life and follow you everywhere.
If you make fake rape claims...
Fuck you, you are worse than a rapist yourself. You have no idea what you've done to your victim if you are believed.
Even an accusation proven bullshit can ruin your life and follow you everywhere.
Yeah, not sure if 'worse than a rapist' is accurate, but it is absolutely despicable.
Someone who falsely accuses someone else of rape just makes it harder for actual rape victims to be believed.
Ofc im aware, I was just referring to the 'worse than actual rape' part.
I guess it could be argued that every false claim increases people's distrust of multiple other legitimate claims. So, by lying she is affecting multiple future victims negatively. I won't say that it's "worse" because that metric is useless, but it's "very very bad".
No doubt.
I will admit that may have been hyperbole on my part
You guys have to pay for STD tests!?!? Wtf kind of idiot logic is that?!
In this case she didn't actually accuse anyone of rape, and simply wanted free medical care which is fine, I agree the medical care she wanted should be 100% free. I wouldn't necessarily advocate claiming rape to get it. but in this circumstance it was a victimless crime and this is a sensational headline.
Obviously they are false look at that mug
Holy cow. I knew women didn't think twice about making these sorts of accusations when they needed to get out of trouble or wanted to ruin the mans life, but doing it just to save a little money on an STD test?! That's a level of depravity that surprises me.
Please dont generalize women in this context, thanks.
False sexual assault allegations are incredibly rare. The much bigger issue is the fact that only a tiny percentage of real assaults are reported. Often because of exactly the kind of rhetoric you're showing here.
No they are not rare. Up to 40% according to one study.
What study might that be? All the data I'm finding puts the estimate between 2-10%.
I wouldn't say 10% is rare. Also, that's 10% that were discovered to be false, so I would imagine there's some variation there and these results are probably higher for POC.
Bullshit. I've been falsely accused at least three times, one time actually got the police involved. Thankfully they realized what happened before it could go to trial... (Turned out to be a miscommunication. Family member was overheard by a teacher at her school saying she saw me naked... turned out they never asked the context.. as soon as they realized this was just a case of "walked in on someone while in the shower" the investigation was dropped)
I'm not even a guy, but every guy I know has a story about some girl who claimed something "went down" that didn't or some dumbass calling them a pedo when they were in public with an underage relative.
Hell one of my other false accusations was just me with my younger brother in public... dumbass saw me leading him around and assumed I was up to something.. and not just being a responsible older sister.