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And if you do, what's best, killing every enemy in the dungeon, or just speed running to the boss?
If you have straight forward questions, please just try to Google them first.
Actually trying to engage with the community and not just Google is a worthwhile enough reason to post anything I think.
The problem is yes/no questions, which are also forbidden on AskLemmy. There is zero discussion going on, I could have just replied with "Yes" and that's it, thread is over.
Yeah, this community is starved for content, but straight up questions you can google in a few seconds just aren't it :-/
I don't see the answer of OP's question from your link. I also want to know which one is better, clearing the dungeon's monsters or just go to Boss as soon as possible?
Look at the dungeon completion part. You get items, XP and gold as reward.
But I'd wager killing at least the elites is worth it. You pretty much have to kill them anyway to finish most dungeons.
If the simple answer to the question is I the first 20 paragraphs of that page, I missed it. If you think shoving a mile long wiki page at someone is a helpful answer to a focused question, you don’t know how this works.
Look at the dungeon completion part. You get items, XP and gold as reward.
But I'd wager killing at least the elites is worth it. You pretty much have to kill them anyway to finish most dungeons.
Vlyn, 3 days ago
If you have straight forward questions, please just try to Google them first.
... it says nothing about how much exp you get for completing the dungeon. Just that you get Glyph XP and increased XP for killing monsters per 1 level above yours up to 10 levels above though.
Even the thing you linked doesn't say how much Character XP you get for just completing the dungeon itself lol.
Nightmare Dungeon Rewards
Nightmare Dungeons are hard, but the rewards are worth toughing them out! In addition to the normal Dungeon completion rewards of Gold, Experience, and a Codex of Power Aspect, completing Nightmare Dungeons enable you to find and level Glyphs, grants even more Experience with scaling monster levels and boosted monster density, and guarantees you 4 Item Rewards.
Since defeating higher level monsters grants more XP, Nightmare Dungeons are one of the only ways to power level in the endgame. Every +1 increase in monster level above your character level nets 1.5% bonus experience up to 15% (10 monster levels higher). Monsters do not grant additional bonus experience if they are over 10 levels higher than your character. Choose Nightmare Sigil Tiers that correspond to monster levels at your level or up to 10 levels higher for maximum efficiency.
Look at the screenshot, it shows the completion rewards: Items, XP and Gold.
But you can't just say it gives x amount of XP, that's not how the game works. XP is a function of World Tier x Character Level x Nightmare Dungeon Level and probably one or two things I forgot.
So OP just has to do a single nightmare dungeon and compare monster vs completion XP numbers. Either way, you can't finish most dungeons without killing monsters, so the question is moot.
If we look at streamers, they usually just rush through the dungeon, but they have builds where monsters die in a second anyway.