As if the cops would go in the building
> Greentext
They are busy holding off parents trying enter the building and giving out traffic tickets
About the Pumped Up Kicks song, there's this brazillian music genre called Funk (don't confuse with the traditional american, 70's Funk, there's no relation), and Funk DJs and MCs have no respect to anything and there's this fantastic funk remix of Pumped Up Kicks that was incredible popular on Brazil and everyone get surprised when you told them that this song is a remix of a song about school shooters.
Holy christ in hell that was bad 😂
If you want to sent a fan of The Beatles to hell, show this other mix to them.
that is almost amazing. the first 30 seconds sets it up so well. and then, well...
edit: also I have hate-listened to this several times. it is very addictive, and probably criminal. I might listen to it more because I hate it so much.
Is Brazil trying to kill music? :(
Lmao, I love it. I'm really into mashup and mixes, and really like how they tropicalize anything. I was joking with my wife about how someone needs to stop them before even Scotland declare war against Brazil, because these mf stared mixing bagpipes with funk.
Welcome to Funk, it's the kind of music they play for you on repeat in hell while they shove needles under your nails.
I used to hate it until in a mdma night I ended in a funk party in São Cristobao and now I love it. I'm more into the techno kind of funk that is played usually on Rio's techno scene, than the pure funk played on favellas.
Never heard of funk before, I don’t like techno and I think the other tracks posted here suck - but I actually really like this one and others from this album, thanks.
If you found yourself on São Paulo, send me a DM, I'm always open to party.
I'm extremely anti-autotune, but that's exactly what that song needs.
The bears are awesome, but that DJ has a super squeaky annoying voice, is that normal?
This is the future republicans want.
That's the present you Americans already have.
Republicans: lmao just make more that's why we banned abortion
I get this is satire but 99 percent of the shooter is either the person everyone expects or someone who doesn't even go to the school.
obligatory reference to feel it still by Portugal. The Man.
I am immeasurably pissed off at the fact that I still can’t figure your comment out. I deserve ridicule, and an explanation if you’re feeling generous.
No worries, and sorry for the delayed response. it may be all in my head. I wasn't talking about the greentext or the lyrics really at all. The two songs don't really "sound alike", but they simply have a similar vibe/feel to me in the bass lines, falsetto vs. scratchy distorted falsetto, and each song always reminds me of the other one.