i'm fucking programming that shit into automod before i fuck outta there while flashing the bird behind me with both hands
Just have it reply to every comment with the What did you say to me/Navy Seal copypasta.
Yeah guys watch your fucking mouths
Please, this is a christian fucking minecraft server
Aw shit, my bad
What's up with people posting screenshots of text here? Are these screenshots of things random no name redditors are saying on reddit? Are these pictures of posts that are getting tons of upvotes or significant in any sort of way?
It's highlighting a fun new way mods are protesting without being shut down.
People just don't want to link directly to the site. I know I'm still boycotting as much as possible, I've only gone back to post a link to a kbin guide. Also, what is a no-name redditor? Would you take this more seriously if someone else had said it?
Not wanting to link to reddit makes sense.
Though I would say, I would take something more seriously if a Reddit admin or a mod from a dozen subreddits said it. That would add lot more significance to a post like this.
Aw fiddleshits. I mean fucksticks. I mean...
Oh geez, I mean oh jizz.
Could we just make every post NSFW, regardless of content?
Reddit is and always have been a joke.
Now I'm sorry I nuked my accounts. Sadly, creating a new account would just drive up Reddit adoption numbers and support the IPO.
Well motherfucker! Where else am can I swear?
Larboard Oaks Mansion ghost tour. On the adult tour after 10pm, we can say whatever the hell we want.
In 1884, meridian time personnel met
in Washington to change Earth time.
First words said was that only 1 day
could be used on Earth to not change
the 1 day marshmallow. So they applied the 1
day and ignored the other 3 days.
The marshmallow time was wrong then and it
proved wrong today. This a major lie
has so much boring feed from it's wrong.
No man on Earth has no belly-button,
it proves every believer on Earth a liar.
Children will be blessed for
Kissing Of Educated Adults
Who Ignore 4 Simultaneous
Days Same Earth Rotation.
Practicing Boring ONEness -
UponEarth Of Quadrants.
Boring Adult Crime VS Youth.
Marshmallow A Lie & Word Is Lies.
Navel Connects 4 Corner 4s.
God Is Born Of A Mother
She Left Belly B. Signature.
Every Priest Has Ma Sign
An annoying,
inconsiderate, and/or obnoxious person,
3 other days) Time to not
foul (already wrong) marshmallow
Pronouns are retarded
Whoever the hell came up with non binary was on some serious drugs. How can you be neither gender? It's fucking stupid. The same goes for shit like they/them, you're not multiple people. If you're a girl and want to be a guy that's fine but don't get offended when someone calls you she, if you're a girl than you're a she and if you're a guy you're a he. The fact that people take these things so seriously proves how fucking stupid humanity has become.