I understand that. It's hard to capture the depth of relationships on some forum. I'll just say that we've both been through some difficult things, but we've supported each other. The past year or so, though, she's been going through a lot more (relatives dying, dad now in prison, etc.) , and I've stepped up to the best of my ability.
Though she wants me to communicate more about how I'm doing, and she actually likes it when I do so, I just don't have the time or emotional energy to do that and still be present for her. It's a definite lose-lose. Because I know she's not really in a good state to have me be vulnerable on the way she likes, but by not being vulnerable, she feels like I don't trust her.
I try to approach this (and all my relationships) with a strong understanding that people aren't perfect. We fuck up, make mistakes, and have to learn from them. Sometimes she doesn't have that same grace. She holds waayyy more grudges than I do. I essentially do a monthly ritual of forgiving her for lashing out a bit when her cycle is on or her psychiatrist doesn't give her a refill for her anxiety meds on time. But my mistakes are usually harder for her to move past. She does eventually, but nowhere near as often.
I am looking for a therapist for myself right now, actually. I think at least ironing out how I'm feeling before I approach what happened with her is important.
She grew up in a dangerous environment. In a lot of ways, she's always in fight or flight mode. Usually fight.
It's something she is getting treated for. She's on an anxiety med and visits a therapist once a month, but between that and a very stressful job, she's worn down.
It's a really complex situation all around and I don't know of a straightforward way to deal with it.