What? Stop watching fox News and read a text book.
18% is a huge margin in a democratic election.
Here is what I honestly think happened: a lot of older gen x and boomers saw their reputations destroyed on Facebook during the Trump Era.
The people who didn't leave Facebook because of them just put them on mute. They only had other old people to communicate with. This didn't satisfy them though, because really their entire ideology is wrapped around triggering other people.
So they went to reddit and discovered that anonymous shit posting was safer and their Facebook went back to livelaughlove largely.
Except not eating dead animals doesn't lessen a person's quality of life.
This idea that you are suffering because you ate a piece of tofu is absolute nonsense and I suspect somebody who figured out how to use the fediverse isn't this daft.
I went to VOAT in 2020 just to check it out. I kept clicking the random page and I shit you not it cycled through about 20 Qanon/maga subreddits and one random bird watching community.
I disagree. I find the art style to be the best thing about it, plus the controls are a world above Overwatch's.
I do wish there was an age filter option however, and that is the main reason I no longer play. 8 year old kids trying to be the next famous streamer is pretty much hell for a 33 year old man living his best child-free life.
An adults only section would make that a perfect game.
8 minutes is about how long most people in hourly quota based jobs can comfortably take a bathroom break each hour, 12 minutes or so when you factor in walking to the bathroom and washing your hands.
He is a tenant, than marries the mother, than it is implied he kills her, now has legal custody over the girl, and takes her on a road trip.
At least, that is my memory of how it played out.
You are suggesting we make the app better suited to astroturfing?
That's going to come back to bite us.
You only think /politics is left wing because they banned all the left wingers.
Also, liberals aren't left wingers. Have you ever heard an anarchist or a socialist talk about a liberal?
You are on the right track but it is more malicious than that.
The drug deals done in dance clubs is generally the clubs own product being sold. In every jurisdiction in the US essentially, establishments that serve alcohol are by law required to serve free water. If some suckers spend the $6 on water, cool, but otherwise, those water bottles are the best way to hide drug profits.
Ever wonder why DJs are spraying the crowd down with bottled water from the bar and it isn't just part of the clubs set design? They gotta get rid of the inventory.
I disagree. The same argument can be made that digital allows for a multiplying of films being made at shorter run times because it allows people to work faster, which is what we saw happen with rhetoric rise of digital until the writer's strike and then Avatar's success was truly when the switch over happened.
Companies no longer want to make $40 million off a film that cost $14m to make. Not if they can spend $140 million to make half a billion, or only $60m more to possibly make a full billion.