You can run this thread through translate for the "local leftist" view on feddit:
To be frank, although the far right guy 'won' the election, winning just means his party got the biggest and 75% of voters didn't vote for his party. The second biggest party is a leftist one. He managed to capture a lot of the normally way more fractured (center)right wing vote but the entirety of the (center)right wing vote didn't grow. And as with all populist politicians he managed to capture the "I am angry so I want to vote against what's currently happening" vote that unfortunately never results into people voting for a leftist party focusing on combating climate change. The shortsighted vote was his with blanket promises of putting Netherlands first, better hospital care, more housing and less immigration.
I honestly have no idea what it's going to mean for the country in the near future. A lot depends on what kind of coalition he is able to form (if at all) and if he's going to be able to push through the stuff that's written down in his election program. Stuff like a Nexit I don't think is plausible, stuff like a crackdown on migration is probably going to happen in some form since that was a broader theme in this election.
Oe interessant! Zo had ik het nog niet bekeken. Ik zag het als een "nu kunnen we cherrypicken wat we wel steunen en worden we niet tijdens de formatie al gekortwiekt". Beide gevallen zijn een vooruitgang t.o.v. we gaan meeregeren in ieder geval denk ik:)