
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Because R is incredibly clunky. I've worked with both and never got the hang of R.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Of course. But in the end it boils down to: company does something I don't condone, so I don't give them money.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

the fact that even a small political stand that someone dont agree with can turn them against a company or even a person is crazy to me

Why? I try not to buy from companies that employ child or slave labour (Nestlé) or drain the water supply in drought regions (also Nestlé) or companies that support fascists (Müller and apparently Proton) because voting with my wallet is the only choice I have for even a slim chance of making my opinion heard in this capitalist hellscape.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

You mean missing documentation?

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Yes. But Proton is just wine with extra patches. And many eventually find their way into upstream wine.

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (3 children)

What I find even more amazing is that with some regularity the windows versions run better (faster, fewer issues) in wine than on native windows. Used to happen more frequently when DX12 was still fairly fresh, but still happens.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago
[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)
[–] 2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Does Fwy usually speak of themselves in third person?

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

If I recall correctly they disappear after a while.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Shoot a ray to the right, if and when it collides, shoot a ray to the right, …
You know, recursion.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

That's what I meant with the second part of my reply. With a recursion depth of at least 4 it'll detect the option for a loop at the location of the ^.

Stuck on day 6, part 2 (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

I'm not looking for a solution or even code, just a hint. Here's what I currently do:

  1. Add the current position and heading to the recorded path
  2. Check if turning right would lead back onto the recorded path in the same direction we walked it before
  3. Check if the next field is obstructed
    1. If so, turn right
    2. Repeat until no longer blocked
  4. Update current position

This approach works fine for the unit test, but yields a result too low for the puzzle input. I tried adding recursion to the party check, but even 20 levels of recursion didn't sufficiently increase the amount of options found, suggesting I'm missing a mechanism to identify them.

Any clues?

Current state of affairs:

from math import sumprod
from operator import add
from pathlib import Path

def parse_input(input: str) -> list[list[int]]:
    return input.strip().splitlines()

def find_guard(world: list[list[int]]) -> tuple[int]:
    for y, line in enumerate(world):
        x = line.find("^")
        if x > -1:
            return (y, x)
    return (-1, -1)  # No guard

def turn(heading: tuple[int]) -> tuple[int]:
    mat = [(0, 1), (-1, 0)]
    return tuple([sumprod(col, heading) for col in mat])

def step(pos: tuple[int], heading: tuple[int]) -> tuple[int]:
    return tuple(map(add, pos, heading))

def is_blocked(world: list[list[str]], guard: tuple[int], heading: tuple[int]) -> bool:
    pos = step(guard, heading)
        return world[pos[0]][pos[1]] == "#"
    except IndexError:
        return False

def cast_ray(
    world: list[list[int]], start: tuple[int], heading: tuple[int]
) -> list[tuple[int]]:
    pos = step(start, heading)
    ray = []
        while world[pos[0]][pos[1]] != "#":
            pos = step(pos, heading)
    except IndexError:
        # Left the world
    return ray

def part_one(input: str) -> int:
    world = parse_input(input)
    guard = find_guard(world)
    heading = (-1, 0)
    while (
        guard[0] >= 0
        and guard[0] < len(world)
        and guard[1] >= 0
        and guard[1] < len(world[guard[0]])
        while is_blocked(world, guard, heading):
            heading = turn(heading)
        world[guard[0]] = f"{world[guard[0]][:guard[1]]}X{world[guard[0]][guard[1]+1:]}"
        guard = tuple(map(add, guard, heading))
    return sum([line.count("X") for line in world])

def part_two(input: str) -> int:
    world = parse_input(input)
    guard = find_guard(world)
    heading = (-1, 0)
    path = {}
    options = 0
    while (
        guard[0] >= 0
        and guard[0] < len(world)
        and guard[1] >= 0
        and guard[1] < len(world[guard[0]])
        path.setdefault(guard, []).append(heading)
        turned = turn(heading)
        if turned in path.get(guard, []) or turned in [
            for p in set(cast_ray(world, guard, turned)).intersection(set(path.keys()))
            for d in path[p]
            # Crossing previous path and turning would cause us to retrace our steps
            # or turning would lead us back into our previous path
            options += 1
        while is_blocked(world, guard, heading):
            heading = turned
        world[guard[0]] = f"{world[guard[0]][:guard[1]]}X{world[guard[0]][guard[1]+1:]}"
        guard = tuple(map(add, guard, heading))
    return options

if __name__ == "__main__":
    input = Path("input").read_text("utf-8")

Fermented with black cardamom and garlic (which I'm just noticing I forgot to put on the label 🤷) and puréed with mango and pear.
Added a little rice vinegar and salt to balance the fruit.
It's a little spicier than Sriracha, but not at all unpleasant. Nicely sweet and spicy. You can taste it with a spoon without regretting it.


I'm trying to get networkd to connect to a wireguard endpoint, specifically ProtonVPN, in case it matters. I just can't get it to connect. Has anyone had success with that? Specifically without using wg-quick.


Auf der Tastatur sitzen drückt Knöpfe. Knöpfe gedrückt halten macht warm. Happy Kitty.


By that I mean randomly generated playlists. Based on either one or multiple tags, songs or artists. Finite or infinite.

Ideally it would allow combining local sources with remote ones for discovering new music. Thinking along the lines of audioscrobbler, Bandcamp and SoundCloud. Maybe one could even hook into Spotify's API, of they allow that.

Does something like this exist? I'm currently running Navidrome and while it's pretty and functional, it's very much a classic Mediaplayer, that just happens to be a website.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

When the screen blanks liftoff simply resets to the default view. As a result it forgets:

  • The feed you were scrolling through
  • ~~The position in the feed~~
  • The post/comment you were writing

Makes it annoying to write even moderately long posts/comments because you constantly have to be on the lookout for the screensaver or disable it. And how you don't get distracted when authoring a post/comment.

Seeing this on Android 13 and liftoff 0.10.9


Embedded image being ![](url).
Scrolling down is no issue but scrolling up leads to the view position jumping back down, as soon as the images starts entering the frame. The only way I found to scroll back up is scrolling really fast. Maybe so the image fully enters the view from one draw to the next.


I'm currently running Iodé and an considering switching to Ubuntu phone, but ultimately I'd like to give PostmarketOS a shot. Can the Ubuntu phone support translate to faster development for PostmarketOS?

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

Title. The language of a post or comment is never displayed, nor can it be defined when writing posts or comments.
This leads to posts/comments with the language set to "undetermined" which leads to them appearing to users that didn't select the actual language.

Edit: Additionally some communities seem to have started disallowing "undetermined" as a post/comment language, leading to Jerboa users being unable to post/comment. I've encountered ! so far.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

Einige englischsprachige User jammern, dass sie so viele deutschsprachige Posts sehen und infolgedessen die jeweiligen communities komplett blockieren.
Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich mir die Frage, ob das nicht automatisch lösbar ist.
Lemmy erlaubt Usern einzustellen, welche Sprachen sie sprechen und merkt an, dass das Abwählen von "undefined" dazu führen kann, dass man kaum mehr Posts sieht. Gleichzeitig habe ich aber beim Posting keine Möglichkeit gesehen die Sprache anzugeben. Die Tatsache, dass ich beispielsweise keine russischen, koreanischen oder sonstige fremdsprachliche Posts außerhalb der von mir angegebenen Sprachen sehe, legt aber nahe dass eine Kennzeichnung existiert.
Passiert das auf Instanzebene? Und falls ja, sollte sich einfach als Deutsch markieren, so nicht bereits geschehen?

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