
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I’ve been in Budullangr for a few years now. Often times when I pop into a new system and scan the planets, I’ll still see an oddly described one that peaks my curiosity and I have to go take a look.

My favorite anomalous worlds so far are the cabled planets for there background ambience, there’s something extra unsettling about that one.


I went to a steampunk themed event. Rather then buy a pair of goggles, I made it unnecessarily harder on myself by making a pair from scratch. The right eye is lined with magnets, making the magnifying glass easily removable.


I was gifted a sewing machine for my birthday. I’ve never used one before, but I was told that making a pillow case was the best learner project. Since a pillow case is basically just a big bag, I got the idea from a YouTube channel called Skill Tree to instead make a gathering bag.

The bag itself is held to the case by a saddle stitch. I gave the front of it a sort of shield shape in order to show some of the fabric, making it apart of the aesthetic. The Celtic knot on the front was made with a stamp, but the negative space was darkened with an antique finish. This is the first time I successfully used an antiquing finish without darkening the entire piece.


I thought my first post here should be the project that got me into the hobby.

I made a small travel sized leather bound book. A flap on the back allows it to hang on a belt.