Thats crazy cool
You gotta read all the invention names at the last panel
This is so good hahaha
Yeah, I can agree with that. My wife likes playing smash bros with me and my friends, but she’s nowhere near the levels of me and my two buddies who are really good. She’s getting there slowly tho.
What exactly does a tree do once it’s been notified of danger? “Oh shit, I better tree even harder”
Ugh seriously? So like where can I go fast food wise that IS Canadian owned? Harvey’s and AnW and Swiss chalet?
I don’t eat a lot of fast food but when I do Tim Hortons has been my go to. I’m not supporting American owned so I guess there goes that.
My wife played way more fallout than me. I didn’t even play New Vegas and she wrapped that shit like three times. Girls liking video games isn’t that abnormal, idk why all these gamer nerds have been lead to believe that video gaming is unilaterally a male hobby and that women who like games are unicorn levels of rare. Like at least a solid third of the girls I know are more into video games than I am. Given I’m no hardcore gamer, but this attitude is always silly to me.
Step out of the way of leftists that are willing to use force.
Douglas Adam’s was right about a lot of things. Good satire mirrors reality in that way.
Nobody that actually matters will notice
Cool. At this point if people use force to do that, will liberals kindly step out of the way?
History dictates that they won’t.
Great joke