Ah nice. Thanks. I did look at a similar one. I don’t mind the traditional styling. I do however have to think of my wife who loves the oracle because it is zero hassle for her. So I maybe have to go somewhere in between where if she does miss the water empty more something it isn’t a massive deal. I also thought about just getting the grinder first as then if she feels confident to do her grind and tamp herself it’s fine but if not she can continue to use the standard grinder.
She was fine with the express where she had to do everything but I think something with more of a quirk like that might be a step too far possibly.
I will look at these thanks. I have had a grinder that had static before and it was a nightmare.
I am pretty proficient in being able to repair stuff, and used to repair gaggias and sage machines anyway.
Do you have an opinion on ceramic or metal and conical or flat burr at all?