
joined 2 years ago

Ever since I adopted them, my cats normally keep their tails tucked under them so this was rather out of character.


He's very aerodynamic. Pet the tummy at your own risk.


This is is favorite position that never fails to make me smile. I have literally dozens of photos of him loafing with his left paw out.


The product is a little abrasive at times but is totally worth it.


Or possibly any other food he can gobble down as well.


Must have been a primo spot because he didn't even budge at the sound of the vacuum cleaner.


It's a good thing I cleared off some space on my desk--cat on one side, mouse on the other.


"Do you know how long it's been since I last ate? 20 whole minutes! I'm famished!" - my cat, probably


Prior to this, I didn't know cats could exhibit very obvious cold like symptoms. Whatever it was passed quickly and he was fine two days later despite how miserable he looked here.


Not a very good loaf, but relaxing on his favorite spot on top of the radiator cover.


Dual Sphinx Kitty Security™ is on the job.


My cat's a little weird, poking his head out of his cat bad, complete with fangs showing.

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