Besorgte Bürgys: Innenminister:innen die so ein Scheiß fordern müssen gehen.
The thing is, some need to publicly complain/call out shitty behaviour of our corporate masters. Now paired with someone who has quite the reach makes this even better so that unaware peeps notice this as well.
Off-Topic: this is truly beautiful. I'm reading this thread in jerboa, which is a Lemmy Client for android, and yet it seems that it's actually a thread on Mastodon. I love this interoperability of the fediverse!
Der Grund? Wahrscheinlich ~~Brutale Killerspiele~~ ~~die bösen Ausländer und Linksgrünversiften~~ liegts daran, dass die AfD bis auf heiße Luft und Hetze nichts kann.
Uh. Whatever my distro comes with per default.
I mean you could also write your grocery list per hand.
Einfach Rofl.
Every browser released since 2020 supports this (custom elements that is), so I don't see an issue with browser support.
You mean the Html template Element? I've never really got that to work, but I also never seriously tried.
Vanilla JS is perfectly fine to do basic interactive stuff. Data Binding is a bit trickier but can be achieved neatly with Web Components. I like it.
Disruption of communication can only mean one thing...
please tell
Ja dann aber zack zack mit den Bewerbungen zur Registierung. :)
edith hat nichts gesagt.