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[–] DrGeraintLLannfrancheta@nafo.army 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

@Buffalox very unfortunately they will obey. Everything. There is no opposition. 'My house is at the end of the village' (#fuckrussia proverb). There is no momentum. There is only desolation. But, like the last 100 years, they will endure and listen to their 'fuhrer'. #glassthekremlin

[–] DrGeraintLLannfrancheta@nafo.army 0 points 2 months ago (3 children)

@Buffalox @bluGill hmhhh... You overestimate imo the narod. It will endure everything.

[–] DrGeraintLLannfrancheta@nafo.army -4 points 3 months ago (3 children)

@Badeendje @Skiluros well, i'am thankful for 1 million ppl in our overaged society. And she and fckg Obama fckes it up in Syria letting this genocidal tyrant mass murder and gas their citizens! So this is actually the only thing she was right about!

@Streetlights @Valmond exactly. They would likely only do it when already entered the NATO war rubicon... In order to divide NATO politically

[–] DrGeraintLLannfrancheta@nafo.army 1 points 3 months ago (3 children)

@Valmond @Kyrgizion exception: tac nuke over uninhabited land or 20.000 ft over the sea (but only after the succ invasion of e. G. Finnish wetlands or the Baltics)

[–] DrGeraintLLannfrancheta@nafo.army 1 points 3 months ago (3 children)

@aard @Streetlights do you really feel it in DE?

@Sunshine he already backpaddled. He will not send them.

@smokeysnilas challenge his word. I doubt it. Sadly.

[–] DrGeraintLLannfrancheta@nafo.army 3 points 3 months ago (2 children)

@smokeysnilas @magnetosphere hold your horses. Opposition talk is cheap. He still had no 'Cobra' - Clearance. (BuSiRat) #freethetaurus #destroyrussiaonceandforall

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