@Badeendje @sepi but: it's a mistake to leave him in the general staff. Beside all his achievements. He will always shadow Syrski.
@MrCookieRespect @School_Lunch but it's not. @anderspuck had a great video and vlexler a solid addendum how Russian aggression would occur. The biggest sword that putin has if Trump questions art 5 is indeed nuclear blackmail. That is imo the reason why the US has put nukes in RAF Lakenheath (UK has no tac nukes). But a big big big reminder: NATO is 99% posture and a 'promise:. It was never contested. Art. 5 is an' invitation to discuss', nothing more (sadly).
@Vriska @robocall (2 tb of data transfer might be observed by a monitoring system... So if you had the make the choice... Good...wipe everything Russian) #DestroyRussiaOnceAndForAll