The Sioux Chef is excellent and deserves all the praise.
- CBS, Playboy, CocaCola, ABC, Camel Cigarettes, Windows
- ?, Travelers, Apple, Nike, AT&T, Chrysler
- Warner Brothers, ?, Chase, Intel, Pizza Hut, McDonalds
- Xerox, Adobe, IBM, General Electric, Internet Explorer, Bell Laboratories
- United Airlines, Shell, Adidas, NBC, Pepsi, Compaq
You pulled through and posted it! Nice!
They're dozens of us.
Prairie Artisan Ales is one of the most unique craft breweries I've ever experienced. The downside is it's in Oklahoma, so I'll never visit again, but if you get a chance to find some at a local liquor store or import, try it out. Plus the can designs are cool. They have some delicious stuff.
But yeah LeftHand in Longmont, Colorado is incredible.
As for European, Belgian Tripel, it is hands down the best.
But it would be pretty cool if he showed proof!
If you ain't doing politics, politics is gonna do you.
I was just recently in Japan and decided to go to a proper grocery store. A dozen eggs grade A was about $1.80 USD or 278 yen.
In all likelyhood they'll be focusing on doing a similar comic series for the new Deadlock game. I don't think we'll be seeing a TF3 for at least a decade.
Which you can disable, thankfully.