Huh. Thanks for letting me know that. I've had quite a few people ask me this question and I've linked them the same image again but didn't know people were having trouble loading it. Well, the image is a Discord message in the server which reads:
"-obligatory not a dev team member- It is dumpable after the 8th, however, the data this project uses is not the dumped data of the spotpass, but rather the url that leads to the source of the SpotPass (i.e. nintendo or 3rd party servers that distributed spotpass data). You can dump the data still, however, the servers will be gone after April 8th, and as such, submitting the dump would indeed be useless after April 8th.
The data submitted carries a very slim chance, (~10) of actually including sensitive information, however this is due to a system level flaw of the system itself. (Nintendo messed up while coding) It includes a bit of data which is whatever the nand was processing at the time of the dump. Most of the time this is garbage data, and nothing private. The dev team automatically anonymises all the data however, and it is not recommended to ever share your dump data outside of the dev team. (Without previous discussion at least.)
To summarise, the date is when the servers shut down, the url of which is what we are extracting from the spotpass dumps, the team is then accessing those servers to get all the spotpass data they can from there. There is a sub 10% chance of the dump containing any personal info, and as such the dev ream anonymises any and all dumps that are submitted.
Hope that helps, I’ll link a message with a more in depth explanation if necessary."
Also, let me know if the link works now. I accidentally shared a private link, so it should work now. Let me know, thanks.
I'll go post there now. Thanks.