Well I live in Norway, I guess not every county are able to move it freely?
I work for a big company, and moved my pension. And I can invest it, in almost whatever I want. And because the yearly fee for the funds i choose is less than what my company payed before. I get payed the difference, which is nice.
Probably not harder than any other country, if you're highly educated.
Insert always has been meme
Geralt got his ending in The Witcher 3. I would much rather play as Ciri.
Witcher 3 had multiple endings, and he dies in one of them
So true!
I really loved the ending, and it would've been sad to see Geralts ending "undone" just because they wanted to make The Witcher 4.
With that said, I do hope he makes an appearance.
Ærlig spørsmål her.
Men hvordan kan du skrive man kan skrive åbnet her, og i samme sætning henvise til en paragraf der siger man ikke må?
Beviser det ikke bare lidt pointen i hvorfor han skrev det "kryptisk"?
I want your factory in my head.
Hmmm I might be playing too much Factorio...
Are you using the radar to check which station needs resources?
Ah nice, I have yet to try out the new radar signal stuff. But am equally exited to test all my theories in the weekend!
Ah fair fair, I see that now, sorry for giving you false hope haha