Not sure really, but probably best to go an remove all your money now just in case! I bet hundreds of people are doing the same thing! /s
Hearing specialist (evil)
As with many types of license, they usually only get checked when you're caught misbehaving.
If you're caught not picking up your dogs poo, you're asked "have you got a licence for that dog". At which point, if you say no, then you get another charge or two slapped on as well. If you lie and say yes you can get yet another charge slapped on for lying to law enforcement.
Its basically another layer of incentive to follow the law and get a license or the penalties may be higher as a result.
Borosillicste straws?
Genuinely thought that said "anachronism" and was ready to go on a tirade about how cool cloaks are and how they should make a comeback
Wow! What a dick! Not only breaks someone else's axe but outright offers his own axe to someone else instead of offering it as a replacement!
It may even include you one day. Social safety nets benefit both those already in them, and anyone that may eventually need them.
Same here honestly! Its not like I was going to use the body again. Worm food or cat food, its all alright by me!
The biggest issue is that the media is focusing on just this one incident in specific. They're acting as if whether or not musk is a nazi hinges exclusively on if it was meant as a seig heil or not.
Ultimately his nazi salute is just the latest in a very very long line of racist and intolerant shit he's said, done, and perpetuated. Regardless or whether he seig heiled or not, he's still a nazi.
Hot Swapping batteries is actually surprisingly good for the life of the battery if done well.
Rapid charging the battery does do permenant damage over time especially if you fast charge every time. Whereas if you can hot swap a battery and have a suitable stockpile of them you can trickle charge the battery over a couple of hours instead of 30 mins and prolong the overall lifespan of the battery. Even slowing down the charge rate to 1 hour reduces wear on the battery significantly. Plus, without time pressure from a customer, more time could be taken to replace damaged cells or blocks in a battery so that one pack will more effectively use the whole battery up instead of throwing away perfectly good cells.
And terrain mapping flights. Thousands of scientific, geologic, and geographic flights take place around the world on a weekly basis.
I asked one of my mates who's a historian and he said yes. Viva la revolution