The name actually came from British communists that supported the USSR sending tanks into Hungary in '56.
Horrendous take. Fuck off.
Equal condemnation for unequal sin minimizes the greater and exaggerates the lesser. That ceases to be an answer and becomes a cover for genocidal fascists against a national liberation movement. ain't sending their best.
Do you have stuff on this? Not sources, I'm not asking you to prove you are correct, I was wondering since you said this that you may have something that I can take a look at.
“The whole working gang is interested in production. The program for next month is discussed with all of us. The foreman calls a meeting and tells us that the administration wants us to put out 3,000 milling tools next month. How shall we do it? We discuss in detail; each of us says what he can do. It all adds up to 4,000. So the foreman goes to the administration and raises the plan to 4,000. [...]
I cannot but defend the authoritarian, nay, the stalinist prohibition on using handcuffs in prisons. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside knowing prisoners get what they deserve, to know that they are forced to do what they want to, to know that they have to work if they feel like it.
(This is a sarcasm)
Liberals do not want to critique Marxism, they wish to endlessly dismiss it
Minor point: GDR and DDR are the same, just in English and German.
"neutral" as if.
Edit: also oh no! Not the Stalinist... prohibition on using handcuffs?
Chapter X, Russian Justice
But the idea was there in the minds of those who were to define the penal policy and the Code of 1922, and set down the principle that punishment was not for the purpose of revenge and might not have for its purpose the infliction of physical pain. With this beginning there was a steady progress toward the removing of those indignities that tend to degrade a man, until the Correctional Labor Code of 1933 completed the process. In the meantime various amendments have prohibited torture, the use of handcuffs, solitary confinement, deprivation of food, or any other measure that would have the effect of degradation or do physical harm to the person.