Illegal shit is already illegal. That's not what I was talking about.
The foreman. Whoever ends up starting "dogswithjobs" here on lemmy needs to allow satirical posts
But these private platforms have a liability shield. If they have a liability shield, they shouldn't be allowed to censor things.
See? Not everyone on social media is a bigot. Some of us hate rich people as much as you do, or at least as much as you would if you knew how shitty you have to be to people to become a billionaire.
I have three of them. Two with XHP70 and one with the P70
Well I'm not going to say where I'm posting from, but my VPN tunnel makes my posts upside down, I work around that.
Nogami, I upvoted you by the way.
"Oh! I'm sorry I swear I wasn't looking at your chest! I was just interested in that flashlight there! Is that the Nitecore EDC27?"
the picture needs to be flipped
You really want people to be policing everything everyone says everywhere?
If these companies are going to control what's on their platform then they shouldn't get a liability shield.
They're a bookstore censoring the content of the books they have in the store.
If you don't like what someone has to say online you don't have to click on their profiles or follow them or read what they're saying.
Supporting free speech means allowing people you hate to talk too. Censor a Nazi one day, then the next day it's something your weird friend likes, then the next day it's something you like.
Everyone deserves a platform online, but they have to earn their audience. Censoring them is only going to make more people want to go to other platforms to hear and see what they have to say.
I'm not an Aussie, but my VPN tunnel takes a route around the world.