I know I like a game when I start it at 5pm and then two seconds later it's 11pm and I tell myself I'll just finish this one quest and then boom it's now 1230.
No need to call me out like that.
I feel attacked.
Holy cow that breed name. Never heard of that before. Such a cute little lady!
Those eyes. Cutie patootie.
Welcome to the club! For me it was just nice having explanations for things. Instead of just labeling myself as a lazy weirdo, I can try to be easier on myself knowing normal things are just more difficult for me.
Absolutely gorgeous.
Damn I'm sorry you seem to have such a horrible boss. My boss actually has a son with autism so I don't worry much about it. I hope you someday get a boss that isn't an ahole.
Oh my heart. My town has a bunch of stray cats and I've trapped and rehomed several kittens now. One so young I had to bottle feed. She is still with me though. I was just too attached to her and I don't know if other people would be able to put up with her thirst for violence and chaos. I have a new trap on the way so I can try to reduce the stray cats. Re-home the ones that can be or trap, neuter, and return.
If I deviate at all from my shower routine I cannot remember what has been washed or not. It must be hair wash, hair condition, wash arms, wash front torso, wash back torso, wash legs, wash armpits, wash front and back holes, wash feet, rinse conditioner, wash face and neck. If I don't do things in that order for whatever reason I am lost and have to start over. God forbid I take too long a pause between feet and don't remember which one I did already.