Doesn't the server just hold an encrypted vault? What could go wrong when the server is compromised? Just thinking out loud I don't know the answer
What do you do when you want to share your screen?
Last time I checked you can't even share your screen
I think another reason they use a phone number is that it can mitigate issues with people or bots creating hundred of accounts maybe
Can you create voice rooms in mattermost?
Thank you I'll try it out :)
Yea that is kinda what I have been noticing aswell. I don't want perfect privacy like hiding my phone number with signal.
I just want to talk with my friends, share my screen and have text channels without being harvested for data :)
Element has all of this, the only problem I encountered is that everyones mic is suddely quite noisy as we are used to using discord's noice suppression. I gues you have to sacrifice something for privacy. And I heard it can be quite a pain to self host, but I still have to try that out myself
Thanks, I hoped the software would have been a bit more developed by now. I don't have the time to mess about with it sadly
Hoe is the pinenote? I have been debating on buying one
Oke whatever dude buy the gripen have fun, I'll gladly buy the f-35. And I'll continue my life without insight haha wtf
Lol, how is this different then hydrogen for example? Its renewable if just carbon dioxide is consumed during generation