
joined 8 months ago
[–] Evilschnuff@feddit.org 3 points 1 month ago

I know. If you read carefully, I mention that the benefit lies in getting one thing that you can return wholesale and where you don‘t need to debug the origin of the issue yourself.

[–] Evilschnuff@feddit.org 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

I bought myself the asrock N100 itx mainboard with ram and drives. Thought that it’s super simple.

I’m now fighting with issues since June. The machine is always freezing after 2 days runtime. Just recently found out that it’s probably the ram stick even though I explicitly bought a stick on the mb compatibility list. Will take probably two more weeks until I get a replacement. I couldn’t use it as NAS in the meantime since I couldn’t be sure that my data is safe.

In my case that’s ok since I’m not dependent on it. You should consider if this level of jank is ok for you.

Otherwise go for the „expensive“ 2/4 bay nas where you can just return the whole thing in case something breaks and you don't need to find out which component is faulty. Have it running reliably otherwise, with software etc set up for you. I underestimated the time investment.

[–] Evilschnuff@feddit.org 16 points 1 month ago

The extended approach with fixed intervals and breaks doesn’t work for me, but I’m using a timer to get started on things that I can’t commit to otherwise. It’s mostly initial momentum in my case.

[–] Evilschnuff@feddit.org 1 points 2 months ago

It’s about field of view. I have the same issue with my calendar and try to make it more visible now.

[–] Evilschnuff@feddit.org 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I’m using the plugin remotely save and sync via WebDAV. Nextcloud provides a WebDAV interface so it’s pretty straight forward, and I can read my vault online via Nextcloud Web. Im mostly happy with it but sometimes there are some sync hiccups if versions of the plugin are very far apart but I also have 5-6 instances of obsidian that I need to keep in sync.

[–] Evilschnuff@feddit.org 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Wichtig hier ist den Sehtest vom Optiker machen zu lassen, selbst wenn man beim Arzt schon einen machen hat lassen. Erst dann ist der Optiker verpflichtet Korrekturen auf eigene Kosten zu machen falls die Brille falsch eingestellt ist.

[–] Evilschnuff@feddit.org 29 points 2 months ago (5 children)

This is from the article: „If there are any genuine users of these drivers remaining that are still running an upstream kernel, the drivers can always be reverted / merged back but otherwise they are gone without anyone maintaining them.“

[–] Evilschnuff@feddit.org 12 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Es ist echt zum kotzen. Ich habe das Gefühl solche Systeme neigen immer dazu ihr eigenes Leben leichter zu machen, auf Kosten der Bürger. Man braucht echt Kontrollmechanismen.

[–] Evilschnuff@feddit.org 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Stupid question, but do they prevent google from recreating their own browser? Chromium is mostly open source. They could just fork the project, rename it and support it much better than the open source community. This would place them again as the most used browser due to conveniences of ecosystem integration etc.

[–] Evilschnuff@feddit.org 22 points 3 months ago (1 children)

In den USA sollten Frauen „einfach“ ab jetzt eine Schusswaffe bei sich tragen. So wie es die Republikaner wollen. Dann gibt es immer einen good „guy“ die den bad guy aufhalten kann.

[–] Evilschnuff@feddit.org 2 points 3 months ago

Ich finde neben dwd noch Windy sehr gut. Die kommen aus Tschechien und machen gute Vorhersagen weltweit

[–] Evilschnuff@feddit.org 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

For me the question is if plants can actually hear these distress sounds, otherwise it’s not really for communication.

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