@jnfingerle @giggls @TDCN @Showroom7561
Hyperbole some?
@jnfingerle @giggls @TDCN @Showroom7561
It's the action of the member that inflicts the cost.
Whether they total the car driving drunk or get it confiscated because of reckless driving - the car is gone. Reckless behavior has consequences and they are known up front.
@jnfingerle @giggls @TDCN @Showroom7561
It's the same if I'd total the car driving drunk or similar behaviors. They have comprehensive insurance but that doesn't cover reckless behavior so the risk is there already that they need to recover money from their members.
It's a huge co-op - 30.000 drivers, 1.600 cars, close to 30 years experience. They can probably calculate the risks accordingly.
They probably have to go after the person who lost the car for compensation.
I'm in a car sharing co-op in Germany and if I loose the vehicle because of recklessness I'd need to pay up for that.
@jnfingerle @giggls @TDCN @Showroom7561
We'll have to agree to disagree here.