The "fan" sits inside a faraday cage.
It's the massive fridge/freezer and the stove sticks out past the kitchen counter. Two things I don't think I've seen in Europe before.
Just lookup cheap devices that you can purchase in your area and check here to see if it's supported.
I haven't noticed any problems with it and 5ghz seems to be preferred. I have basic asus/tp-link routers that it works with so it seems to be pretty common.
I'm using 3 cheap routers that I bought used. They are all running openwrt and I have set up Dawn so that devices automatically switch to the best one. Wireless speed isn't as important to me as coverage and this allowed me to cover my entire house and allow access to high speed ethernet from multiple different locations.
The PGA is open for men and women. The LPGA is only open for women. The fact that there are no women in the PGA is proof that golf is not gender neutral.
Never heard of prison school
Explain corn in poop
This might be 100% bullshit but an interesting theory nonetheless.
Gorliias, chimpanzees and bonobos walk around at butt height and see how strong a potential partner is by their butts. Since we started walking upright boobs are closer to eye level and have eveloved to resemble butts.
Hydronic heat with radiators can be used with heat pumps. Look up air to water heat pumps.
Zyn is a tobacco free alternative to swedish snus that is marketed more towards women and young adults.