Guess being a mod doesn't necessarily mean you can think critically.
I didn't want to
Asd diagnosis might help a few things here. Seems like you might have a bit of difficulty being able to express your emotions appropriately. I get it, I just got out of a relationship and it's daunting to be on your own. And to do it for any extended period of time is not a good place to be. People need to have people they love trust and feel that in return. My advice is always practice honesty and vulnerability. Never put yourself in danger but be honest (not creepy) with your intentions and accepting rejection as a possibility is something that will happen but maybe you can talk to your professional support network about it and work on that rejection fear.
Hey, Australia basically just did this.
We have some truly terrible trade agreements.
What in the name of ever loving Rom?!
We most certainly don't in Australia
That would be the Djinn
End of the day music is a mode of communication. It's not a medium for consumption but a conversation. If you don't have that then you're just going to end up with bad music and no innovation.
Could really go for some soma right now
Hind sight I should have sold mine to a karmafarmer.