
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I think the association came from emulation. IIRC, you can sometimes play Colecovision ROMS with the MSX emulator in RetroArch, although it's been a while since I dealt with this.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (4 children)

For some reason I'm reminded of the Colecovision and the Colecovision Adam. Did those share any architecture with the MSX devices?

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Love Vime's Boot's theory, but I'm wearing $18 Urban Star Jeans from Costco, at work, in an industrial facility, that are over 5 years old. There needs to be a serious step up in quality to justify $165.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I'm assuming interactive fiction means more along the lines of Choose Your Own Adventure books or Fighting Fantasy game books.

Article mentions text adventures as well, but old school like Zork and such wouldn't work well without a keyboard. Maybe more the nineties era Gabriel Knight and Beneath a Steel Sky,but that would suffer from a black and white screen.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

I think of you look at Poland especially, they aren't messing around. The UK and France have kept their militaries somewhat up to snuff. Sweden, Finland, the Baltics, lots of other countries are pulling their weight. Germany defence spending is up as well.

Germany's problem is their procurement is so slow. Europe's problem is they've lost a lot of defence production capacity,and don't have a lot of surplus taking up space on the shelves. Europe's even bigger problem is that there are Russian friendly politicians on the inside.

What's inexcusable to me is that Ukraine is still short of artillery shells. It's three years in, it's been long enough to spin up a crash production line, but did I mention procurement is slow? The US has ramped up artillery shell production, but it's still not enough and Trump will probably ramp that back down.

Europe needs to get the lead out. Maybe there needs to be a Visegrad style group of Hawks, countries with decent military capacity that want to coordinate production.

NATO and the EU have been profoundly beneficial, but in times of crisis like this, the need for consensus can really slow things down. A Visegrad style "Hawks" group of EU+NATO countries might allow the more capable countries to cooperate in filling the power vacuum the US is likely to leave on the world stage.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I heard the kids these days are all electrowetting.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

There are still advantages to a fixed platform like the Steam Deck. It makes a fixed hardware platform to optimize for. Anything that runs on Deck should also run on another PC.

Likewise, a Steam Box that was popular enough would provide a target hardware platform with higher spec.

Most hardware manufacturers will have too high paced a release schedule, so unlikely to provide a stable hardware spec.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

I've got so many Golden Keys for opening Ultra-Elite chests in BG3, but it won't give me the exclusive Golden Helm of Baldur with the alternate mod slot unless I upgrade my golden Keys with exclusive in-game currency.

is a conversation I've never heard around BG3.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Their new expansion set…

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Just think, soon you can have ever more expensive graphics cards without having to wait for be graphics cards!

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

The 3rd portal was weird for me as well, and I it before the update. All the other elixirs of blood took me to a planet that others had been to, and discovered by Hello Games a month ago. 3 brought me to a new system.

Still completed the objective, so just carried on.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

That's exactly why I always enable the Compose key. It's the fastest and easiest way to just type a variety of Unicode glyphs. The key combinations trend to be intuitive as well.

There's a good chance the default config file will have a pretty decent selection. Although I have edited the config in the past, I haven't done it under KDE. The KDE article on setting up the compose key seems to say that KDE uses a different config file anyways.

Turning on the Compose key is pretty straightforward as I recall, just another setting under Keyboard settings. Finding that config file is still useful if you can't guess the right combo for your desired glyph.

Very useful for using character common in math and science.


The Cursed Expedition was one of my favourite expeditions, so of course I'm redoing it.

The constant drain of the Anomaly Suppressor and the harassment of the Boundary Horrors lends an incessant pressure. That first dash to the ship with an underpowered Boltgun and no Elixirs at hand is reminiscent of a Permadeath start.

I think the slightly reduced targets of the Redux version make it a little less grindy.

And of course, the trash talk…

Artemis is gone? Run it in! She's just in another level of the simulation, you bastards!

That's uncalled for! You leave them out of this!

Some sweet vengeance


A bit odd perhaps, at least Ii haven't run into this.

Planets in uncharted systems have no structures. However if you use a portal to travel to a planet in an uncharted system, a Portal will generate. I spent a good deal of time trying to portal to this world, and some other worlds in the same system. I've double-checked the glyphs several times. In all cases I get the address error, approximating. I'll end up in a different system around the same distance from the core every time.

I swear I've done this to generate a portal on uncharted worlds before. Did I not have enough coffee today? Has this been "patched"? As it is I portalled to a bunch of other systems anyways, so got a functional portal base for this galaxy. On to the next.

Glyphs 3207-FA00-6FFA


I picked up this tall boi just before the Adrift Redux expedition, and I was going to remember where I picked him up but… I didn't. Flipped back through my discoveries, no sign. It's the tallest of these big synthetic creatures I've discovered. I'm certain it's the tallest creature I've discovered, but it's not in my wonders either (which make me curious to backtrack to find the tallest that is in my wonders).

I wish you could export your discoveries to a CSV file, or something that let you search through and sort more effectively, but is there any easy way to figure out where a pets origin world was?


Doing the Adrift Expedition Redux (even though I've already done Adrift, I just like doing Expedition), and ran into this at Rendezvous 4, a derelict freighter pretty much crashing into the planet. It apparently tilts gravity, and severely hampers your jump jets. TIL I guess.

I also did the freighter task for free, saving the scanner, so thank to whoever parked a derelict freighter right on top of the rendezvous. Saw lots of other people going into the freighter at the same time, so I think it helped out.

Freighter "crashing" with the gravitational anomaly tilt


If you're on the Cursed Expedition, this crashed ship might be a nice upgrade from the C-class starter ship. It's a crashed ship, so lots of repairs to get it into shape, but even partial cheap repairs early in the expedition gave it more cargo and better performance than the starter.

Found on the first rendezvous world, Ecorsfi in the Temarifi X system.

Coordinates: +39.79, -167.59 Planet Glyphs (for later retrieval): 5047.FCA7.8448


cross-posted from:

When I first found it, it did also give an entered building message, but I haven't managed to test it in a storm. I'm currently distracted in my Permadeath run looking for more of these ... structures?


Down to my last task ("Hot Blooded"). Even though there wasn't much plot in Voyagers, this was one of my favourite Expeditions the first time around. I remember the first time around, I got stuck on finding a suitably hostile world, but I think in this Redux, the "Eternal Garden" (paradise world), "Unwelcome" (hostile > 84%), "Corrosive Blood" (creature with low blood pH), and lots of others were completed in the starting system.

I figure I just need to go back to the hotter worlds and start scanning critters I missed the first pass, and I'll be done.

One thing I liked about the first run of Voyagers is that there was almost two months to do it the first time around. It was billed as "relaxing" and it was. I nearly took the full two months, but I swapped back and forth between my main save and Voyagers, until I finished with a week to go (trouble with "Unwelcome" as I recall). This Redux is 10 days, which is longer than the other Redux ones, and they seem to have strategically placed the Rendezvous to help complete, but a little bit longer would have been a little bit nicer. Or at least more relaxed.


I started my save within an hour of the expedition going live. And spawned in a storm, with multiple hostile critters. I died twice in two minutes, deleted the cursed save, and tried again. Did better, but fell into a cave system killing critters (with a mining laser), and got lost… before I could build the Terrain Manipulator. After 20 minutes, I deleted the cursed save, and started again. Third time's the charm! Much better start, even grabbed some Storm Crystals for later right at the start.

Needed to get some work done, but I've gotten a couple of hours in since yesterday, steady progress, having fun stumbling around, but I can see I'm going to get stuck looking for Crystal Sulphide. I don't think I'm anywhere near the ocean, although I see 3 underwater creatures on this world so there must be some somewhere. I've got the Minotaur built, but that doesn't seem the best way to search for ocean, it's a little slow. If only I had a spaceship… oh wait, that's what the Crystal Sulphide's for.

Also, got killed again, by one of those evil teddy bears that jumped me while I was killing a couple of the crystal spider dudes. Was close to my base, but still! Embarrassing.


Just started the new community expedition, so first real taste of the Echoes update. I think my starter freighter crew are engaging in some light piracy on the side. My standing with the main system race keeps ticking down every so often, and I gain rep with the Outlaws faction. At least if they are going to go rogue and loot merchants, they can cut me in for a piece of the action!

Didn't see anything in the patch notes.

From :

@Kaymorak @Grimpen It’s a bug. Whenever another player engages civilian freighters, they gain standing with outlaws, and lose it with the local race running the system… And the bug makes ANY player in that system gain and lose. :P

It’ll hopefully be fixed in the upcoming patch, which is in test.

I've stopped this happening so much by parking my freighter in quieter systems. Without a steady supply of salvaged frigate modules I haven't upgraded my freighter much anyways. If your freighter isn't somewhere where other players and you are at the same time, it should hoist the Jolly Roger.

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