My Grandma taught me to butter the saltines when we have Chili and to scoop a little chili on the butter saltine. I might need to make some chili tonight now haha
Just a couple of the first results in the search. Mostly seems like figuratively burning books.
Loved this game as a kid! Recently downloaded it to play on my laptop.
Believe he is talking about crazy right wing Christians burning books
Been using it for about 2 months, set up was easy I just hate resigning into everything haha. So far it has been exactly what I needed, a place for my android texts, iOS texts, and discord messages in one place.
My one bug I ran into is when sharing something to someone I click their name on the menu that pops up on androids and instead of opening the chat with that person it opens the list of my recent texting partners.
I would imagine the drop rate since the cost was actually in the patch notes.
Would also be funny if it's
-Thanks guys that solved the problem 100%
You can't tell me what to do!
Did you not read the letter they received? Pretty sure race is part of it...