I'm not sure if you're being serious here or not, but I too have a tux tattoo. I knew at the time that it wasn't a unique idea, but I've never met anyone else who has one. There must be dozens of us.
Do people also ask you if it's Pingu or something from club penguin?
Thank you for this. About a year ago I came across ShellCheck thanks to a comment just like this on Reddit. I also happened to be getting towards the end of a project which included hundreds of lines of shell scripts across dozens of files.
It turns out that despite my workplace having done quite a bit of shell scripting for previous projects, no one had heard about Shell Check. We had been using similar analysis tools for other languages but nothing for shell scripts. As you say, it turned up a huge number of errors, including some pretty spicy ones when we first started using it. It was genuinely surprising to see how many unique and terrible ways the scripts could have failed.