
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 3 months ago

O.o Do you want research papers and essays? I'm tangentially aware of the skin microbiome (yay, how everything in microbiology is supposed to be related so we all are expected to know what the weird fucking colleagues are doing in those nasty skin crevices instead of clean[ish] brackish water systems that are where the real science happens) and the amount of information on the workings of all the little microbes on your beautiful holobiont is astonishing. Like, the difference between what people think they know about our mutualistic relationships with our symbionts and what is really known is massive. Imagine the difference between the grade school kid who knows we eat food for energy, and the undergrad learning about the Kreb cycle. It's bigger than that! It's more like the difference between the neonate on the breast and the senior undergrad studying the enzymes that facilitate the rearrangements of molecules in the Kreb cycle. The sheer amount of control that microbes in your gut and on your skin (and other places too) have on your body boggles the mind. Did you know the microbes in your gut can control your mind?

If you want some fun, do a quick search on your favorite database for the terms "allergen," "cockroach," and "dog." Then go for "SCFA," "immune system," and "Firmicutes." You can also use "Bacillota" instead of Firmicutes, because people want to be trendy. Go for a deep dive with "breast," "microbiome," "milk," "gut," and "bottle."

[–] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Eh, the worst that could ever happen is we would set up something along the lines of one of the dildos on the wall/floor in front of me, and him behind. He'd pound away, pushing me ever further onto the silicone. Plus, can you imagine how much fun it would be to make him sit in a chair and watch me go to town, having to wait his turn? Teasing is an understatement! No practice ever wasted ;)

[–] 8 points 3 months ago (5 children)

I don't know who else to share this with, which is one of the reasons I made the post, but I am nearly squealing with joy right now. My first reply to these threads was about trying to deepthroat bigger phalluses (phallusi? is it greek based and thus I have to break out my declensions?), and I was eventually able to get the 11"(I think?) tentadick down, but now I feel like I've made real progress.

I was in a good mood and headspace, and really wanted to go for IT. Well, a little self love and some mild moaning later, I had my lips all the way to that bottom ridge. I don't know if it's physically possible to lick the balls, but maybe in the next few weeks I'll get further. One day I'll be dating someone again, and get to whip this party trick out with them, but until then, ya'll are the best audience I could get!

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Only if you ask me to.

[–] 16 points 4 months ago (6 children)

It's usually 'polyglot' though, right?

[–] 19 points 4 months ago

We constantly get accused of taking two lovers, thus lowering the amount available for others, despite the incredible challenge of just trying to keep one around when they think you want to cheat on them with someone of the opposite sex.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

The one I really want to find was the first every porn I saw, presented by my friend who had just been given a CD full of short vids.

It was three women, with one laying prone facing away from the camera, which was focused on her ass and vagina. The other two were playing with her, one was slowly pushing some sort of hollow-looking dildo into her ass and pulling it out again. During the video, you can slowly see the middle woman's vaginal lips swell with blood and part as she became more aroused.

[–] 8 points 5 months ago

I have no idea where I'm at, because the difference between a 9 and a 7, or a 4 and a 7, doesn't really get into my mind much. I think some of my kinks would get me banned from places, but they're mostly fantasy. They would never happen in real life. So does that make me a 10, or am I only a 5 because I set hard limits and know I don't want those things, only to imagine them?, that being said, if there was some way to experience something and recover (so no permanent injuries, physical OR mental), I'd try just about everything. I know I wouldn't like everything, but I'd try it just to say I had.

Anyway, peg me about a 7. Between the occasional furry fling (and all the craziness drawn art can get up to, whoah), deepthroating 13" dildos, and my libido, I'd say I'm pretty perverted.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

It looks more like two kidneys to me.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

Formal writing for an essay or research paper? Baaad.

For the purpose of placing emphasis or highlighting a way of speaking in fiction? It can be okay.

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