
joined 2 years ago
[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

For music prod on Linux, have you tried Reaper?

[–] 11 points 2 months ago
[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Good solution, cheers! I also followed the other commenter's idea to add it as a KDE shortcut so I can use it on demand.

I guess I'll just need to be careful not to paste a bazillion lines of text lol

[–] 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Works awesome! Thanks for introducing me to xdotool, what a helpful utility. Question: what does the --file flag in your command do? I can't find it in the manpage


This is one of the features I miss on Windows (, I was wondering if there was an alternative to this for Linux?

Essentially instead of pasting all the text from your clipboard, it will type out the contents as though the letters were typed on the keyboard. One by one. This allowed me to "paste" into VMs and other places that I normally couldn't.

The ol' google gave me nothing but "How to paste into terminal" posts which is not what I want.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I had a similar problem, it was caused by undervoltage. Are you using the official power supply?

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Reporting back!

Reformatted with btrfs, steam now does this when I open the game (didn't before):

anddd it works! Can't believe this whole headache was just exfat all along lol!

Thank you for your help :D

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Reporting back!

Reformatted with btrfs, steam now does this when I open the game (didn't before):

anddd it works! Can't believe this whole headache was just exfat all along lol!

Thank you for your help :D

[–] 3 points 3 months ago (4 children)

I think you've just pointed me in the direction of a solution...

The comment you're referring to seems to be this one:

mv Launcher Launcherbak
ln -s bin Launcher
ln -s ./bin/bg3_dx11.exe ./bin/LariLauncher.exe
cp ./Launcherbak/*.dll ./bin

creating a symlink to trick steam into thinking it's running the launcher when it actually runs the game. BUT ... my SSD is formatted as exFAT, which doesn't support symlinks, so I can't do this.

So I'm guessing proton is trying to create a symlink at pfx/dosdevices/c when it installs .NET, but fails, which is also probably why everyone else seems to have a breezy time with it. Not sure why my other games haven't run into this though... maybe they haven't needed to install anything there?

I will report back after reformatting my entire SSD lol

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I think you've just pointed me in the direction of a solution...

I tried to create a symlink "c:" pointing to ../drive_c, but I couldn't. "Operation not permitted" I then got ptsd flashbacks to the last time this happened - turns out it was because my SSD is formatted as exFAT, which doesn't support symlinks.

I'm guessing proton is trying to create this symlink when it installs .NET, but fails, which is probably why everyone else seems to have a breezy time with it. Not sure why my other games haven't run into this though... maybe they haven't needed to install anything there?

I will report back after reformatting my entire SSD lol

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Ohh, is the "c" just a symlink to the drive_c folder?

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

I need STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH because my proton is installed in a different steam library than the game, all of my proton games use this. I tried to remove it anyway and try just '--skip-launcher', but now the game doesn't launch lol

The command likely won't work for you because you don't have proton installed at that location

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (6 children)

Still the same error unfortunately.

Interestingly though, when I try to install .NET manually via protontricks-launch -v --appid 1086940 /home/user/Downloads/windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.35-win-x64.exe I get the following error:

/media/user/T7/Main/Games/SteamInstalled/steamapps/compatdata/1086940/pfx/dosdevices/c:/windows: No such file or directory

Going down that tree I see the entire path is there except for "/c" at the end. I manually added a "c" folder, but then I get stuck at this error:

protontricks (ERROR): Active compatibility tool was found, but it's not a Proton installation supported by Protontricks.
Proton installation could not be found!

I know my proton installation works because all my other games use it fine. Proton is on a different drive than BG3, could that cause issues?


EDIT: The issue was caused by my SSD being formatted in exFAT, which doesn't support symlinks. I backed up my SSD & reformatted it to btrfs, and then I could install .NET without hassle & the game runs!

Original Post:

I'm having an issue running this game on linux, every time I click play in Steam I get the following popup:

"you must install .NET desktop runtime to run this application"

Clicking "yes" takes me to download a Windows .exe which of course can't run on linux. I manually installed the .NET runtime following linux instructions here: but the game still gives me this error.

Other things I've tried:

  • Reinstalling BG3
  • Completely deleting every file from steamapps/common for BG3 & reinstalling
  • Reinstalling Proton
  • Skipping the launcher
  • Tried with proton experimental, 9, 8, 7

My launch args are STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata gamemoderun %command% --skip-launcher

On protondb everybody else seems to be running the game fine, but I don't understand how to get past this error.


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Spacebar is a free, opensource selfhostable discord-compatible chat, voice and video platform.

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For character abilities that have a certain trigger condition, eg. "OnAttack", "OnJump", "OnDamaged" etc..

Currently each of these triggers is a signal. When a signal fires, the character loops through all of its abilities and activates each one with that specific condition, so it just runs an if statement for every ability, regardless of whether it has that condition or not:

if ability.trigger_condition == Triggers.OnAttack:

My issue is that this could get a little unscalable with many characters on-screen each having many abilities of their own. A character could have 1 OnDamaged ability and 19 OnAttack abilities, but when an "OnDamaged" signal is received, it will still loop through all 19 OnAttack abilities.

Any advice on this is appreciated, thank you all.


Wanted some opinions on ways to set up triggering "on-kill" effects. In short: The player can have abilities that trigger effects whenever they shoot and kill an enemy. I'm also looking to extend abilities to enemies as well, so can't just hardcode a player reference.

Currently I'm doing it like this:

  • Enemy signals that it died -> the bullet receives this and signals that it killed Enemy -> the player's weapon receives this and signals that it's bullet killed Enemy -> the player receives this and triggers it's on-kill abilities.

It simultaneously feels like a good way to go about it but also a long mess. The other option I've considered is:

  • Each bullet has a reference to it's owner (eg. player). When an enemy dies to a bullet, it looks to the bullet's owner reference and tells it to trigger it's on-kill effects.

This way is a lot simpler to write, but is error prone eg. In cases where the bullet's owner is killed while their attack is mid-air.

Thank you all!


Figured I'd share this project as I don't see many that know about it! (Only available for Windows)

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