In a perfect world, yeah totally. I could use controllers that are approximately twice the price (nice!nanos) and have to rewrite the firmware (qmk -> zmk) and deal with Bluetooth, or I could just use wires and have it "just work™". I personally prefer this, but tons of people go the wireless route.
joined 2 years ago
I have a larger build and nailing down the ergonomics is really hard without a split board.
I could use a unibody split but this is just easier to adjust and travel with this way.
I could also use either half independently. (with a quick firmware change on the right, but still)
Choc red pro's, for now
I use one for volume and one for scrolling right now.
Definitely your prerogative if you like it. I personally have bigger hands so I like keeping my momentary layer keys on the bottom inner button for my thumbs.
I had a similar set of typing habits when I started and found that the bfo9000 suited my needs, may be worth a try for you.
It is ortholinear, rather that the row staggered layout you requested, but does allow the "overreaching" typing style.