
joined 2 years ago
[–] 6 points 2 days ago (1 children)

KDE fs

Or roll your own via a compositor and various tools a la Hyprland

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Bro what? TI has like... the best docs. What are you talking about? They have the Microsoft C# docs of the semiconductor world. Clear examples, every little detail, well organized. Darn near perfect example of what to do

I mean, it's fine. And if you can't find something the NixOS subreddit is usually pretty helpful

[–] 10 points 1 week ago

I have another one:

30min of fighting with an LLM can save you 10s of boilerplate

[–] 24 points 1 month ago

GLFW is a C library, not a C++ one, and an old one at that, and so the reason is that a long time ago, there was no bool in C. Every library would make their own true and false bc it's handy to have.

Nowadays, the type _Bool has been added to C, and C++ has built-in bool, but you can still see the legacy of no boolean in C as to use the type name "bool" as well as the key words "true" and "false" for 1 and 0, you have to include "stdbool.h," as well as in custom types in these old GL-adjacent libraries.

[–] 22 points 1 month ago (1 children)

And that's why I don't use Python for anything more than simple scripts

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Tbf the devs said "compatibility layer"

[–] 9 points 3 months ago (1 children)

No bc of camera proprietariness

[–] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Could I do:

signature primes_less_than(x: number) -> [number]
example primes_less_than(2) = []
example primes_less_than(10) = [ 2, 3, 5, 7 ]


I don't pay for OpenAI, so I can't try the playground

[–] 0 points 4 months ago

This response needs more up votes


I created a little side project over the past few days, a new build system for C and C++:

I've seen a lot of discourse over C build tools. None of them really seem solid except for (some) Makefiles (some Makefiles are atrocious; you just can't rely on people these days). Bazel, cmake - they're just not straight forward like a clean Makefile is, basically black magic, but setting up a Makefile from scratch is a skill. Many copy the same one over each time. Wouldn't it be nice if that Makefile didn't even need to be copied over?

Building C should be straight forward. Grab the C files and headers I want, set some flags, include some libraries, build, link. Instead project build systems are way way way overcomplicated! Like have you ever tried building any of Google's C projects? Nearly impossible to figure out and integrate with projects.

So I've designed a simplistic build system for C (also C++) that is basically set up to work like a normal Makefile with gcc but where you don't have to set it up each time. The only thing you are required to provide is the name of the binary (although you can override defaults for your project, and yes, not just binaries are possible but libs as well). It also includes things like delta building without needing to configure.

Now there is one thing I haven't added yet - parallel building. It should be as simple as adding separate threads when building files (right now it's a for loop). I know that's something a lot of people will care about, but it's not there yet. It's also really intended to only work with Linux rn, but it could probably pretty easily be adjusted to work with Windows.

Lay your project out like the minimal example, adjust the project layout, and get building! The project itself is actually bootstrapped and built using whatever the latest release is, so it's its own example haha.

It's dead simple and obvious to the point I would claim that if your project can't work with this, your project is wrong and grossly over-complicated in its design, and you should rework the build system. C is simple, and so should the build system you use with it!

So yeah. Check it out when y'all get a chance


I created a little side project over the past few days, a new build system for C and C++:

I've seen a lot of discourse over C build tools. None of them really seem solid except for (some) Makefiles (some Makefiles are atrocious; you just can't rely on people these days). Bazel, cmake - they're just not straight forward like a clean Makefile is, basically black magic, but setting up a Makefile from scratch is a skill. Many copy the same one over each time. Wouldn't it be nice if that Makefile didn't even need to be copied over?

Building C should be straight forward. Grab the C files and headers I want, set some flags, include some libraries, build, link. Instead project build systems are way way way overcomplicated! Like have you ever tried building any of Google's C projects? Nearly impossible to figure out and integrate with projects.

So I've designed a simplistic build system for C (also C++) that is basically set up to work like a normal Makefile with gcc but where you don't have to set it up each time. The only thing you are required to provide is the name of the binary (although you can override defaults for your project, and yes, not just binaries are possible but libs as well). It also includes things like delta building without needing to configure.

Now there is one thing I haven't added yet - parallel building. It should be as simple as adding separate threads when building files (right now it's a for loop). I know that's something a lot of people will care about, but it's not there yet. It's also really intended to only work with Linux rn, but it could probably pretty easily be adjusted to work with Windows.

Lay your project out like the minimal example, adjust the project layout, and get building! The project itself is actually bootstrapped and built using whatever the latest release is, so it's its own example haha.

It's dead simple and obvious to the point I would claim that if your project can't work with this, your project is wrong and grossly over-complicated in its design, and you should rework the build system. C is simple, and so should the build system you use with it!

So yeah. Check it out when y'all get a chance


I'm making a game that takes heavy inspiration from Zelda games like Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Twlight princess, i.e. OoT-lineage Zelda as opposed to BotW & TotK and games that stem from Link to the Past. It's not a fan game, of course, but if you like OoT/MM/WW/TP/SS, then you'll (hopefully) like my game.

One central aspect to nail is the camera system these games use. There's some variation, so I've picked one to "clone." I'm basing this camera off of Wind Waker's. It has a default mode where Link runs around the camera with left and right and pushes/pulls the camera with up and down. If you wait long enough, the camera will move to be behind him, and of course there's a Z-targeting mode that will force the camera to move behind him and let him strafe. Finally, there's a free camera mode that works like the camera in a lot of modern third person games.

In terms of movement, there's walking and running, but jumping is relegated to hopping across short gaps in these games, and I've implemented that system as well.


I have enabled the strongswan plugin for Network Manager via networking.networkmanager.enableStrongSwan.

I manually set up my work VPN using nm-applet, but obviously this won't come with me if I reinstall NixOS, so I'd like to set up the VPN using nix.

The problem is that networking.networkmanager doesn't seem to have any sort of vpn configuration system. How would I go about this?


I can achieve remapping using InputMap, config files, a virtual input system, and a bunch of other stuff, but it's kind of pain tbh. Not hard just a lot of code and layers.

Has anyone made a plugin that makes controller remapping simpler in Godot?

With how much work it is to implement, it makes it kinda low ROI for a project, but I feel bad for users bc it's basically the default for all games now to have remapping.

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