
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 3 months ago

I got a cheap Nest E thermostat on eBay from a charity shop seller. It cost me like £15.

Replaced my dumb one with it, then hooked it into HA and made a sensor from all my motion sensors and door sensors which all have temperature gauges in them.

Conglomerated those sensors into one that tracks the average (making sure to only have so many per floor so as not to skew the data to one part of the house) then made a sensor called "Is it cold enough to have the Heating on?" which acts as a simple switch with a lower and upper limit.

Now my heating only comes on when I need it to based off the temperature of the whole house instead of that one place the dumb thermostat was based.

The display unit for it died after less than a year, replaced that for another £20 on eBay and synced the new unit to the Thermostat on the wall.

So for less than £50 and some smarts I've upgraded my heating, and saved money on the bills (since it only comes on when we need it to rather than based on the temperature of one location).

I'm not particularly recommending Nest since I have no experience with other manufacturers, but I managed to do it all on the cheap and I'm quite pleased with the results

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

I use Portainer to manage Docker. It's really easy.

My are stack is just one big docker config except in Portainer it's called a "Stack"

[–] 5 points 4 months ago

Personally I think they're useful for one thing and one thing only, a gig/night out. When you don't want to have some kind of battery pack to recharge your vape so you have a couple disposables in your pocket, and if you lose it, shrug, it cost a couple quid.

That said, I back this ban wholeheartedly

[–] 15 points 4 months ago

My teenage son came out, his Muslim friend through primary and secondary school disowned him because it was against his religion to be friends with him.

Fuck all religions, every one of them

[–] 11 points 4 months ago (5 children)

If you pay for your pirated content you are doing it wrong

I don't think I am, it's Usenet and a VPN, and costs less than my Spotify Family account.

[–] 10 points 4 months ago

Everywhere you go

Always take the weather with you

[–] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

2 things, one of which has already been said

Get an SSD and a usb cable for it. Boot off that. Be aware that not all cables are the same (have a Google for usb 3 SSD cables for home assistant before you buy one). There's a little song and dance you have to do to boot off ext SSD but it's not hard and doesn't take long (Google).

That combo will eliminate the SD card issues in the future. But you also need to look into the Google Drive backup add-on. Get that for when shit goes down.

With those two things you should be all set and eliminate this ever happening again. If it does you have a backup.

[–] 10 points 4 months ago (1 children)

A laptop with an hdmi, stremio and a real Debrid account.


[–] 11 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I'll be honest and say that most of my self hosted music collection was pirated or ripped from CD like 20 years ago. I put it all on an iPod back then.

I found the iPod gathering dust in a drawer when I finally got a car with a usb jack a couple years ago (yeah I'm not exactly laden with bags of cash over here) and recently pulled all that music back onto my newly set up media server.

I have a Spotify family account I'm trying to phase out with resistance from the children.

To support artists I go and see them when they tour and buy a ludicrously expensive t-shirt

[–] 24 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Fuck Boris and what Boris thinks. He's a sweaty fuck-knuckle riddled with bell end cheddar

[–] 8 points 5 months ago

Yeah my wife's Granny would buy me some every year. Then she died and now I don't get socks at Christmas and it makes me sad. Not because I want socks, I want Granny Babs back

[–] 5 points 5 months ago

It's only just dozens, I mean it's 2 and a bit dozen, technically correct which is the worst kind of correct


I thought I had a backup. I use the Gdrive add-on and it should have had a backup.

I didn't have a backup.

Turns out when I moved from a Pi to Proxmox I didn't set Gdrive add-on up properly, so it wasn't making backups every 3 days like it always has.

Then I killed Proxmox. No idea what I did to kill it, I just tried to make my NAS VM have 4gb ram all the time instead of Ballooning from 1gb, and it never booted again.

So I had to start fresh. But while I've only been playing with VMs for a couple months my HA instance has been a work of love since Lockdowns and COVID times.

And now I'm starting again.

Now go and check your backup solution.


I'm about a month in to playing at self hosting.

I'm currently trying to get a great media server solution going on. I'm trying to containerise as much as I can and have everything sharing a NAS for content.

The last few days I've been adding music to my NAS for the Music server, LMS aka Squeezebox.

I've always liked that I can use LMS with my Google Minis and anything that can run it, and I've seen software for esp32 chips...

Anyway just ripping the 13050 tracks off my old iPod was a slog, and because I can't seem to get more than 4mbps transfer rates it's taken a couple days just to smb transfer the music to the NAS.

Now I passed a Tb HDD through to Open Media Vault so I thought I'd just learn to mount a network share to my Ubuntu container running the Squeezebox server using the same method, Fstab.

TWO DAYS I've been trying to mount in fstab and all I'm hitting is kernel errors or syntax errors. 2 days... It's time to give up.

So I've turned off the PC to get in the bath, and just had a quick look at PCP, the all in one LMS os. I once had it running on a pi zero...

It only has a goddamn dedicated UI portion for adding a samba share!

Tomorrow I will spin up a copy and get it working, THEN I just need to do all my current customisations to THAT instance instead... I'm already in Version 2 of my LMS attempts, so this will be Version 3.

But: my ARR/Plex stack is Version 2 too, version 3 is gonna be Version 1 (Docker) but better (with stacks, mount points and another go at Wireguard, but with NAS and Ubuntu instead of Windows.

Sometimes you've just got to go AFK and make a decision to burn it all down and start again.

Update: I've tried to get PCP running in Proxmox with no dice. Instead I've got Squeezelite running on a pi4b. That has freed up a pi3b which is now running PCP.


I'm using Heimdall to easily access my self hosted stuff ATM. I would like for my family to use them too if they're so inclined, but there's no way they will be able to remember the IP addresses, I know I can't!

Is it a DNS I'm looking for? If so, I'm already hosting a couple of instances of Adguard, can I just set it so that Plex is and snapdrop is and use that to resolve the request so my 13 year old can just type Plex into his browser and find it?

Or do I need something like Caddy or Nginx or something in between?

Thanks for any advice.


I'm a noob to all this, and love this server. I've recently set up Proxmox and Portainer, got Home Assistant transferred onto my new computer and set up an Arr stack on Windows VM.

I kept adding storage to that stack until it was talking half my internal storage so I bought a usb3 cable and hooked up an old 1tb HDD I had lying around.

I decided I wanted NAS storage with the HDD. I had already set up OMV but it was being a bit funny. Whenever I logged in to it I had no options, so I couldn't add the HDD to it.

So I did some looking around and found TrueNAS. Installed it and started fiddling. Jesus it's hard work to just add an SMB share from it!

After literally hours of tinkering I still was no closer so I gave up and went for a bath.

In the bath it occurred to me that maybe I was logging in to OMV wrong. I fired up the browser on my phone in the bath and instead of logging in with my name, I tried "admin" and lo and behold there is all the options I couldn't see before.

5 minutes later I had half a tb in an SMB share, and then it was a simple case of making network shared folders on all my windows machines.

Thought you guys may be amused by the noob error of logging in as Admin.


I've recently migrated from a raspberry pi 4b to a dell Optiplex running Proxmox and I'm having a lot of fun with it.

One of the services I have running is Raspotify, which allowed me to plug my pi into a speaker and run Spotify through it.

I had a quick go passing the audio jack through to my HA VM and it just stopped working completely. Only after removing the pass-through did it work again.

So if anyone has managed it, what do? Do I use SPICE as a driver or none? Which device is it?



I've recently bought a Tornado V2 and a WRM V9. I've had the Tornado for a couple of months and treated myself to the WRM V9 just after Christmas.

After watching videos about both cubes everyone raves about the Tornado and it's adjustment system. Did you know its the cube Max Park uses? Yes, yes I heard it a bunch already.

So I got it and the first disappointment was finding one of the corner magnets was missing out of the box. Like I spent £35 on a fucking cube and it's missing a magnet!

Upon closer inspection the magnet was in the corner piece, I could hear it rattling around. So I had to take the corner to bits and refit the magnet. These things are held in place by a TINY bit of plastic.

It was fine for a few days, then I could feel the cube was a little wonky and sure enough the magnet has popped out again, so it's time to take the corner apart, again.

This time I tried to bend the tiny bit of plastic a little to make the hold better, and SNAP, it's broken off.


I got a dab of superglue and glued the magnet in place.

Put it back together and did a couple solves and it still feels wonky. Wtf? The magnet has popped out again, I guess I didn't wait long enough for the glue to set.

Take it apart and find it's actually the magnet in the other side of the piece that's dislodged and stuck to my glued magnet. So I glue THAT magnet in place too.

A week or so later I decided to make my own lube following a YouTube tutorial. 1 part hair conditioner and 2 parts Vegetable Glycerin I have left over from making my own vape juice.

I went to take an edge out of the Tornado to lube it and it just crumbled in my fingers as I pull it out.


That lead me to another frantic glue session, I was about to go to work and wanted to take my cube with me, and putting these pieces together is hard work, I broke the fixings that hold it and had to glue it instead.

So now I have a badly glued edge piece on my shiny expensive maglev cube.

Now I've got the WRM V9. Cube head says it's adjustment system is dogshit and it's a travesty that you can't adjust the magnets.

But I just don't agree. How often do you honestly adjust a cube, once or twice? Who cares that you need a screwdriver to do this? The magnets on my Tornado seem to adjust themselves so the fact that they're adjustable is moot anyway.

But the build quality on a Moyu cube just seems to be way better. The magnets are still where they should be and I haven't broken an edge piece just taking it out for a lubing.

The cube itself just feels more solid. It doesn't feel like the plastic is cheap and it will shatter if I drop it from waist height like the Tornado does.

And that's why the WRM is my new main, and the Tornado has become the cube that lives in my leather jacket pocket for when I'm out and about.

When it comes to turning and whatnot they feel pretty similar if you turn the magnet adjustment up to full on the Tornado, so there's not much difference in performance, but the WRM just feels like a better quality cube.

So yeah, I wanna hear about how quickly my cubes will break on YouTube reviews. I don't wanna be dropping cash on a cube that will be broken out of the box.


I don't have a motion sensor in my bedroom, I didn't want lights going on when my Wife is sleeping.

I do have an old phone in a dock next to the bed though. It has Wall Panel and Home Assistant apps on it, and I'm using it as a bedside clock with smarts.

Wall panel has a feature where the screen turns on when the camera detects motion. I decided that since it only does this when I wave at my clock, I may as well put it to use. So I looked at the HA app sensors and found the phones activity.

I've then made my most out of the way light in the bedroom trigger when the screen is on.

During the day it then trips back off when my rudimentary Wasp In a Box automation works out the bedroom is empty (it adds a number when my Hallway motion is tripped and takes one away when it's tripped again, also uses other motion sensors to work out whether we are entering or leaving the room). At night it waits 5 minutes then turns off.

So now when I enter the room during the day and it's dark (HA app can display lux) my light turns on, at night when I need a wee I can just wake up my bedside clock and pee, get back into bed and the light shuts off.


I don't know if anyone needs to hear this but I use this all the damn time.

So when you're doing the cross you stick blue and green opposite each other, and red and orange opposite each other.

I find that I'm rubbish at the order they go in. I know it's Blue Red Green Orange but sometimes I'll go blue orange green red by accident.

As long as you have the opposite colours, well, opposite each other (blue-green, red-orange) and haven't royally fucked it up (Blue green red orange) then you can just do this.

Get your wrongly aligned middle slice and move it into the yellow layer with an M2, then spin them the opposite way around with a U2, then put them back with an M2.

Thing is, you don't have to do this immediately. You can actually do the whole of F2L first, then flip em afterwards. Meaning instead of getting in a bit of a panic about having done the cross wrong and trying to figure it out you can say to yourself "Oh yeah, better do that alg when I get a chance" and do it when there's only yellow edges in the M slice partway through F2L or leave it until you're done.

Also, you don't necessarily have to flip the bad 2 edges, you can flip the good 2 edges if you notice before you F2L and just realign your white slice so the cross matches.

TLDR: M2 U2 M2


So long story short, Google Nest thermostat just disconnects from HA every once in a while. It used to be when I did a reboot I'd get a notification in HA telling me an integration needs setting up again, always Nest and Google Calendar.

But now it seems to disconnect and not tell me. I realise when it's fucking freezing and my heating hasn't kicked on (I control it with HA rather than Nest because I get better results.)

So what I've done is have Node Red reload the integration every 4 hours, because when I manually do this it'll come up that the integration needs reconfiguring.

So now all I need is to be notified when the integration needs reconfiguring. A Google just brings me up threads on how to send a notification. I can do this already, I just want a notification when I get a notification...

See, the problem is that it's called "Notifications" in HA.


Last week I set up and posted about my bath sensors.

A week on and I'm so happy with the results.

I've had to tweak my original automation to have a dwell in the input so it doesn't fire unless the leak sensors have "detected a leak" for a minute, and made an input Boolean that turns on when the automation fires and off again 2 hours later. This Boolean is checked before the automation fires.

Also someone in the comments condescendingly noted that I would have to let water out when I displace it getting in, but of course my sensors are low enough that I have plenty of room for myself and some cold water. The sensor is on a length of wire about a meter long so it's just a case of tightening the wire so it dangles at the right height.

Why I love it:

I've just been sat in my bedroom while my bath runs. The kids are leaving me alone and Wifey is enjoying some peace on the sofa. While I'm sat, I'm strumming through Bob Marley "No Woman No Cry" on my guitar and singing along. Then my lights start flashing and I hear "The ensuite bath is run" from the speaker on the floor below, so I put my guitar down and sort it out...

Then write my appreciation post from the bath. I appreciate the time the bath runs as much as the bath itself, and the lack of that little stress of "ooh, better check on the bath" is well worth the £10 I spent to get em (I think they were £4 each plus shipping). My Wife told my son to check on his bath earlier and he replied "I don't need to Mum, remember?" without looking up from his Switch.

The only downside is I have a wire wrapped around my taps, but 🤷‍♂️ worth it!


I'm currently learning full OLL slowly and also some PLL, but I'm picking and choosing the algs I'm learning. I recently saw the linked video for a fast U perm and it made my solves so much faster because I seem to use it in A LOT of solves.

So I thought I'd share it, and also ask what your most used algs are? Post links if possible, let's all get faster together.


I'm a Dad. When I run a bath I hang around waiting for it to run. Usually I grab my guitar or my Rubik's cube and play around for a bit. Most of the time I lose track of time and find my bath is "overflowing" by the time I realise I should still be keeping an eye on it.

My kids are the same, usually they don't wanna bath, they're playing games or something.

So I got a couple of Tuya water leak sensors off Ali for £4 each, one for each bath.

I installed mine yesterday on the back of a basket that we keep bath things in hanging from the shower. I've run the wire down, around the taps and a dab of glue on the back of the sensor to stick it just below the overflow.

Now when my bath water touches it, all my bedroom, kitchen and front room lights will flash for a second and my GH speakers will announce that my bath is run.

I plan to do the same with my kids' bath, I just need to find somewhere to put the sensor.

It's an idea I've had for ages. Next idea is to have one placed in the downpipe from my guttering so that I get notified when it's raining, saving my washing from getting wet. We live in the UK so rain is pretty common.

Any other creative uses for normal sensors? Share them here for the community.

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