Did they ever read the ten comandments? I'm not religious myself vut I think one of them says something "you shall not lie". Maybe Republicsns should start with actually abiding to it first...
I love the aircraft losses. Each one of those costs a fortune and the more destroyed planes the better for Ukrainian troops on the ground.
It could also be that they are lacking fuel for their stupid war. I think this is a good thing anways because it directly hurts the Russian government by losing money.
The 410k are actually deaths. The estimation for wounded as well is over a million by now.
That's a lot of planes in a short amount of time. Good Job! I hope it will continue this way!
Schonnspannend, das Katzen und Windräder als grösste Gefahren angesehen werden, wenn die Landwirtschaft alleine schon einen viel grösseren Einfluss hat.
Aber Windräder sind halt ein viel besseres Feindbild.
Kann man Kanzlerin sein, wenn man in der Schweiz lebt?
Celebrating the death of someone defending their country from an illegal invasion by a crazy dictator? No sane person would do that honestly.
What is wrong with you?
Russland nutzt Flüchtlingsströme, um Europa zu destabilisieren und die Putinversteher an die Macht zu bringe.
Wie kann man nur so ein Arschgesicht sein?
There is a specific paragraph in the law stating that computer programms are exempt from private use:
"Dieser Artikel findet keine Anwendung auf Computerprogramme."
So somehow they specifically excluded computer programs from the article that allows you to download and use everything for yourself.
Really cool stuff in there. I am looking forward to those changes. I just assume that on day one of the patch/dlc a lot will still be broken. So give it a week or two for bugfixes.